yes at least three of the lotus' i mean come on be realistic
less tutor-hunt-forest and more rats
you are only allowed to have one of a single card not two. except basic lands you can have as many basic lands as you want. other wise it looks good.
the grave titan and adding frost titan to help tap and counter
love the idea great job
i love roil elemental its such an underestimated card
i enjoy this hardcast i have going on right here
love this deck because i too am trying to build a contro deck on budget but U/B, so i can only get grave titan through trade or if i open it. so i congradulate u on ur work
wat about wurmcoil engine
like it
still need to add side board
its sappose to be creature defficient cause damage is all in the titan, tar pit, and sorin. if i would add any other creature it would be the sea gate oracle for cards
love this deck just watched its video
love the deck
cool idea but his "when u cast" ability wont trigger because ur not casting him.
take out the juggernaut for the darksteel myr
awsome 5 titan deck.
mold shambler.
thanks on the land. i like chandra ablaze in a deck like this (casual with friends) and some of the spells are just fillers cause i couldnt think of stuff off the top of my head.
love the idea great catch. would like too use it some time.
21-40 of 87 items