+1 lol, I've been trying too cook up something like this for a long while, and after spending all day working out the kinks I get online to post it and sure enough, you've got one up that does it better! Farscape lets you play as many additional lands a turn for one point of damage each, which is different from "put a land into play" considering that "playing a land" will trigger horn of greed where as "putting a land into play" will not. It's an errata thing, just check the card and if it specifically says "play a land" then it'll trigger horn of greed, if it says "put a land into play" then it won't. Least, that's what I think the rulings are trying to say, check them yourself to be sure! :D
a bit expensive on the rares but a good deck to start learning the game on! (my first deck was a white/black shadow creature deck lol)
well that's brutally effective, with the crucible you could even use strip mine (or one of its variants) to add another layer of "hate you!" to the deck.
So those are beebles! Murkfiend Liege allows you to untap your creatures (and pumps them up too!) during your opponents untap phase (getting around embargo) and seriously, if your gonna use donate try out illusions of grandur! (altough this would defeat the purpose of the beebles, its still funny!) oh and Enchanted Evening just makes everything in play an enchantment so you don't even need the donates anymore, (i think)
lol Nice! the Ad Nauseam is something I've been overlooking for a while in my foolish attempt at an Extended legal First Turn kill deck. I'm gonna play around with it a bit and see how it makes my deck work
"This deck isn't that great, it's just a deck made with cards in my collection. It's good in that respect but if I had the resources I would make it much better and focused."-hipponox That, my friends; is exactly why Elves kick sooo much ass. Just throw what you got into a pile with enough lands and they will come out strong! To get some ideas on what they really shine at though, check out my "Classic Elf Deck" or even hipponox's "never die! ever!" deck. Seriously. and no sorry, i still haven't figured out how to link directly to my decks yet so when I do I'll try to comeback and post it for you.
Sorry to post three times in a row like this, but I just saw why you NEED coliseum, because the coliseum makes sure that you did not just play that Transcendence on turn 3 while you were still at 20 life! Instant loss!
and my friends love useing lightning grieves on their platnium angel, and they equip for free for even more elf mana speed! 1) Llanowar 2) Priest, Instill energy,Skyshroud Elf,Archdruid 3)add 14 mana of any combination of g/w/r to your mana pool. Enjoy!
Dude! ...Elves! change out your orinthopters/phyraxian walkers/wall of earth for Priest of titania(tap: add 1 green for every elf u control) Elvish Archdruid (see priest, but gives them +1/+1 as well) and Skyshroud elf (tap: add one green. Spend 1 of any color:make one red or one white mana) Add a couple of thousand year elixers (or instill energy) and you can probably get most of the combos out by turn 4/5/6 depending on your draw. you probably then could switch out your enchantment ratio to 2's to fit in more drawing/fetching to better adapt to the board your facing. wow dude, ... I mean... WOW! , you could just sit there till they die of old age if you have to! (and a mycosenith latice + Darksteel forge + 2privalaged positions+platnum angel=cant target em, cant destroy them, only two things to do, concide or cast apocolypse)
why not vampire aristocrat? its cheaper to play and gets +2/+2 counters outta the blade of the blood chief. If flying's that important bring in a few Nighthawks as well, let the aristocrat pump himself up and the nighthawk(at the same time!), all while gaining u life! Nethertraitor also makes great with the +1/+1 counters since it can almost nvr be blocked (shadow) and its recursion is pretty sweet tie-in with the rest of the "basic" combo. But its your deck and obviously works out pretty well as is so if you don't have the cards then don't sweat it!
oops srry bout the blank comment lol My most common way to kill with this deck is in fact hurricane! extra awsome (over say, fireball, another commonly used spell) because it hits all players at no extra cost! (and since I'm usually using the Priest to *add one for every elf in play* which turns into *everyone take one damage for every elf in play* with me gaining *one life for every elf in play* everyone else in play but me.... DIE! Around the 4th turn-usually! If that doesn't work, I can get them pretty beefy with Kamahl, Fist of Krosa and then just overrun them (and seedborn lets me untap them so i can block/gain life/pump each turn!) and finally, if all else fails, I just put enough out their to win automatic-ly with epic struggle.
so this is what a stuffy doll deck essentialy looks like. Thanks!
lol my mistake in the last post i forgot bout painters servent/iona, so you dont need the priviliged positions and darksteel/mycosanth at all since they can't play spells (silly me how could i forget that!) but glacial chasim(the correct name for the card i was thinking of when i said ice flow)/stasis/chronotog solves the panoptic/savor problom (since you control the choice now) and keeps you safe from harm. give it a try!
i'ma gonna plus one this deck for audacity, but its something that can only work once (and not because their still playing god knows how long after) but because this is (at the time of post) an easy deck to stop. You just have to see it coming. But with a bit of tinkering, it'll be one, f* up deck. might i suggest using chronotog/stasis (gasp!) instead of panoptic/savor the moment. Just skip your next turn at the beginning of their next up keep (per chronotog) and nvr have to worry bout paying for stasis (since your not taking turns anymore) and they can't untap! stasis costs 4 so u can fetch it, and then just add an Ice Floe and you cant be dealt damadge, a couple of privilaged positions and nothing you have can be targeted so all thats left for them to do is give up or global desctruction. A few choice counterspells (counter bore?) can stop that easily enough. So could darksteel forge/mycosanth latis (everythings an artifact, everything you control is indestructable) but then your playing a completly different deck arn't you? Just suggestions though! That ends up being a lot of really expensive cards to play (not just cash wise either) so work with what u got. I'll post my attempt of this concept later after work.
yeah the chrome mox allows you to play your chalice for (2) so it comes into play with 1 charge counter on it on turn one (thus pre-empting path to exile, swords to plowshares, mark of eviction, ect) Thoughtsieze can also pre-empt p2e,s2p, mark of eviction, ect. or anything else thats not a land that can hurt the combo. And since p2e's, s2p, and condemend are instants, he can muddle them if he wants. Vendilion Clique not only removes options from your opponents hand, but can remove junk and and options to yours. Can also be played on turn one if you got enough mox's in your opening hand. But then so can Beseech the Queen, and since most of the deck is converted mana cost (1) or (X) which is zero till time of casting, you get quite the selection of "what do i need, right NOW!" in this deck. That also helps soften the damadge done by dark informant (if it's (x) in its mana cost, you take (0) damadge!
no problem. Look up my "burn by beatdown" deck in the vault sometime and tell me what you think! And this has got to be the coolest deck EVER in magic: the gathering I mean seriously, how many other ccg's even let you play cards from OTHER ccg's? Another correction, errata specifiys that its ONLY during SANCTIONED games that you're limited to the cards in your sideboard, in non-sanctioned games it does in fact mean any card that you own thats in reach! (last i checked anyways)
every try urza's incubater? all your myrs are free! :D Put in something like Null profusion or Recycle or Future Sight and you wont need the myr incubater. Fabricate/tinker would also be worth grabbing for this deck. And forget the urza tron, unless you grab up slyvian scrying (i cant spell for crap lol) or tolaria west to dig for em. But then u might as well put in cloudpost/vesuva instead lol
and if u want to be really unpopular..... ... sphere of resistance! (2, all spells cost 1 extra to cast) and who can forget .... Winter orb! (2, each player can only untap one land during their untap phase)
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