perilous isnt really worh it unless i build around it more say with glissa. That however, is the other type of heartless deck and not what i wanted to make. 2 solemns work fine if i can get my hands on more i will probably but them in instead of rager. Thanks for the comment!
read description mana cylix is actually mana crypt. Also lotus petal is restricted in vintage so only one :( Thanks for commenting!
Fallen angel. Love that card. basically gives you another fallen ideal
one of two models i expect to see heartless played in. The other one uses large creatures that dont care about the -1/-1. e.g. see my heartless summoning deck +1 from me
also i personally think that blazing shoal is better than balduvian rage
now that innistrad is out why not invisible stalker?
see for details on mana crypt and example of P9
First off Mana crypt is a legal card restricted in vintage, meaning you ARE allowed to play one in your deck, Second the P9 is also restricted so having one of each is allowed. Third what card will kill me for not having basic lands? I dont even really rely on lands so i cant see any blood moon(if thats what you are thinking) type effects actually hurting me
basically ANT decks use Ad Nauseam to draw a lot of cards that are all really cheap and then play them with mana from black lotus, lotus petal and other such cards to cast a really big storm of Tendrils of Agony This is NOT an ANT deck just check it
yeah i usually take a mully if i dont get a bloodchief early. thanks for the tar pit idea it helps out a lot i think.
i had that in here but i took it out. i think there is enough mill to kill them good anyway. What would you take out for it though?
i always love Tempting Wurm and then some form of mass removal, aka Wrath, Planar Cleansing,Soulscour, or world purge! Of course you would have to splash some major white so maybe not.
oh wait my bad didn't see the artifact lands.
ummmm, mana might be a problem
what about sythe tiger instead of rouge elephant? -1 toughness but you get shroud
Ummmm I think you wrote the wrong deck description. lol
haha funny One thing, instead of Eye of Ugin why not run Eldrazi temple? You have no colorless creatures and few ELDRAZI sub type cards. The temple would let you have two mana for eldrazi just like Eye but also one mana for everything else. Plus it isn't legendary so you can have multiple copies in play.
haha thanks
cool i like enchantment themed decks check mine out uses enduring ideal ; )
hope i helped :)
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