wow im dumb definetly
try and narrow it down to thrumming stone and Relentless rats plus mana this will allow extremly easy one turn deck dump ex/ Play Rats with Thrumm in play Ripple four get RAts,rats,mana,Rats play three rats ripple 4 repeat
cmon vamp deck with no Vampire nocturnus or kalastria highborn such good cards.
so wait let me see if i have this right you have two cards with double strike ........nope thats not right They CAN have double strike so you named this deck Double sstrike that makes perfect sense...................
cool finally some one makes an all colored sliver deck like they ALL should be Look at Shadow sliver for an end game boom
RIMESCALE DRAGON COVER OF WINTER and for Dark Depths Vampire Hexmage
pretty cool different take on elementals for instant damage nice deck my elemental deck has lots of creats please check it out
good deck but one of the best mill combos is grindstone and painters servant
those cards arent really that expensive........
do you not even care how much money this would cost ? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
really hard to get all the cards for these combos
heres a new infinite mana for you using 3 cards -Fastbond Urza's Armor storm cauldron (not 100% sure it works though)
Sliver decks should be at least quad color all the time
If you want a mill deck go black blue and get NEMESIS OF REASON, MIND FUNERAL,GRINDSTONE to name a few definetly go black blue for a mill grindstone with painters assistant is pretty epic
put in a demonic or diabolic tutor to get the walkers faster
cool looks fun but one ? how do you win if you never draw blackvice? I guess JACE? Oh and replace Jace with Jace the Mindsculptor(if you can get him)
Thanks i will definetly attempt to take SOMEof your advice xD
I beleive Brainbell is right dude nice try though .............................................................................................................................................................
one question Counter decks? what do ya got?
They can still counter rain of gore. You cant spend the colorless mana from boshido on it and they will destroy you with creatures.
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