also since you dont seem to care if it is standard remove the green as it doesn't help and your deck will be more consistant -4x Giant growth +4x brute force (same thing but in red) you can still splash for the prey's vengence with an addition of wild cantor -4 tattermunge +4 wild cantor Get rid of the forests -7 forest +5 mountains +2 teetering peaks
chandra's spitfire? assault strobe is BAMF in this kind of deck really doesn't matter that it is a sorcery. use the lightning bolts or whatever to clear the blockers then give kiln fiend double strike 10/2 x2 = 20 damage Also good is Quest for pure flame (can make previously mentioned kiln fiend deal 40 damage)
nice! needed cards to replace the lands with anyway..... thanks for commenting
yeah but the problem is i will not be able to find as many of these guys as i could 0 cost artifact creatures so the artifacts can do a lot more damage the mystic tutor could help but after i play it i wont have enough mana to cast the flash:( thanks for the comment though :)
............For death aspect
cool thanks for the advice and yeah i did just take every legendary green spirit....... heres my new version with some black splash with lifespinner
check out my enduring ideal deck
i like how you dont have coat of arms or morbid bloom in here......
ahh and locus if only they made more....... not already extremely cheap and theres only two of them!
better card than belbe's portal is elvish piper
you cant untap time vault with the key the ONLY way to untap it is to skip a turn read the card it says that
whats the combo? not sure i see it is it get in rings of brighthearth and time vault then activate time vault and copy it 3 or so time , skip the second turn and repeat on third turn or 4th or whatever? does that actually work?
cool standard is cool.... xD
hey try this Put in some more Bloodghast and Buried alive and Dark ritual first turn dark and then Buried alive put 3 Bloodghast in graveyard 2nd turn play a land get all 3 back
oops already have mind control
look at ambassador sphinx and mind control
okay yes your right i was trying to be a little more realistic with my hand draw but yes your right :)
I like it ha ha wheeee war pride is a bitch
yeah this decks really only for fun but best case scenario you CAN have all rats in on turn 3
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