Also, breath of fury was solely for something splintertwinned, but I'm going to try a few different things for that instead.
Thank you for the suggestions. I got some good ones at legacy tonight as well. Next time I have some expendable income, I will definitely be coming back to this post for guidance on this my most beloved of decks. Think I may try to focus on supporting splinter twins with the other life gain damage dealers in the deck. More protection and recovery will be key, and I'll definitely take a look at your card suggestions. Thank you.
oops. Didn't know you were trying to keep it legal
seething song and rite of flame are the ones suggested to me that I decided to use.
seething song and rite of flame are the ones suggested to me that I decided to use
This is where the modified deck is. Haven't messed with the sideboard yet. Did my best to prioritize when taking your opinions into account. If/When I am able to institute the changes, I'll delete this current deck in favor of he new one.
What do you think of mother of runes for added protection? It's four dollars at our closest seller.
Thanks for the land suggestions. Most of the protection against and hexproofing I've found were just too mana expensive for an already struggling deck. It's been pretty viable to just come back with more creatures and buffs, or spread out the love. That 21/14 was actually a desperation move as my other creatures had been destroyed already (Go figure). Still, I'll look into it. Will not cut life gain, life gain is central to the deck and always has been. I've already cut a lot of it out where it wasn't connected to damage dealers, but that is a major part of this deck and I really need to focus more on speeding it up. For that, will check out your ramp suggestions and see if I can't replace some of the cards like Odric and Flamewright, unless you have another idea. Thanks a bunch for the comment and suggestions therein. Feel free to peruse decks at your leisure though they are mostly from a "long time ago" . Too focused on this one for now to care much about them.
Well, Gruul turf helps a little, but you're right. You'll take a beating before this deck really get's rolling. There are some decent red rep instants and sorceries but you're already running red green so I mean, there are always elves. Whatever you use to ramp could take the place of a one or two undying copies, sakura tribe, or your trample instant which is just going to drain more mana. There's also an artifact, I don't remember the name, that multiplies any kind of counters. It was used for poison counters back when it came out. I think the ability was called proliferate if you want to give it a look. And in regards to your trample, I've seen enough elf decks to know that bramblewood paragon has what you need, and if you do decide to ramp with elves, she could give a little more bang for your buck, maybe as a side board card.
There are a lot of cards in here that I consider fat cards, that don't need to be in here and mostly just slow the deck down. Not turn buyers like safe passage and citadel, but others such as Odric and Flamewright. They're in there mostly because I gave my deck building sets away and have been out of the game a while, therefor those are the cards I have access to. Same deal with the side board. I've got access to maybe twenty more viable cards to replace what's there. Going off to college in a week or so, and I'm strapped for cash, so I've got to focus on a few precision changes, not complete re-imagining. I'll definitely look into the non-basic land. And if you've got some specific protection cards that come to mind, I'd be more than open to replacing the fat with those. I can always card search, but I'm sure there are quite a few options to choose from and I'm unfamiliar with how they play. I was definitely hoping someone could help with ramping (I know my curve is less than attractive) and I'm glad for the suggestions. But as to the suggestion that I drop lifegain, that is kinda a serious keystone of the deck. I've dropped a decent amount of other lifegain cards such as angel feather, Ajani's mantra and soul attendant because they were just not doing enough, but double strike lifelink buffed with tap one land for +1, flying and +1 for each plains, which already happens 2/5 times is op. I'd like to work on speeding it up, and increasing the odds of that. Keep in mind, with six balefire liege out, playing one red spell automatically deals 18 damage, and that has happened too. I find myself usually getting close to beating the pros but I mean, who really cares about close? I do prefer friendly in many regards, but I'm a competitive person, and our local legacy tournaments are free anyway. I have a friend who was very serious into magic and I've played with his decks and they just aren't fun to me. Thanks guys, for the help and suggestions.
As far as generating elf tokens for the Shaman of the pack endgame obliteration, Prowess of the fair seems a little useless as most of your elves are put into the grave straight from the deck or hand without being played. It is cheap enough to play, and there are only two but still seems as though there are better options. You could even replace them with a library search to ensure playing Shaman, or some interference cards against blue control or red stop. A solid life gain could eat that elf damage for days (potentially even with multiple shamans coming onto the field at once). Even so, I must say well done on making an interesting elf deck especially such a relatively inexpensive one, that can still realistically win. I would appreciate if you could lend your inspired sight to a deck of mine, From the Ashes. I'm planning on using it in Legacy this Wednesday, and could use some help getting it ready.
Brilliant with trading post and artifacts, and the idea of using a card like Ion storm to remove counters. I have just one suggestion, some equips or enchantments that could also help bypass a strong defense. This isn't exactly a life gain deck so I don't see why sylvok lifestaff deserves to have four copies. Deathrender would do much better as you could potentially get out flayer of the hate-bound and Hound of griselbrand more easily. Those are your real game winners here. And you can always do something to take advantage of double strike, like giving it flying or unblockable somehow. Also, your English is very good, sir. Ooh and now I have to plug my decks! Please take a look at my most recent one (which is sorta also my oldest one) and tell me what you think.
Came searching around in the unloved pile for attention. This deck caught my eye because I'm trying to ramp up my white red deck and I thought this one might have some clues. Sadly, not it wasn't in the cards, but this would be a very annoying deck to play against and I suppose that is a very good thing. In my searches I have found that there are indeed a few red spells that give big mana dumps mid game. Generally those would be used for summoning huge creatures a turn or two early, but in this case with all your goblin buffs, it could be used to dump a whole barrel of punies on the opponent all at once. Something to think about.
Yeah, drew some sample hands, felt a lack of small mana spawn for the first few turns of the game during set up. Also, add a description and user guide please. It's always nice to know where the creator was going and if we as viewers missed something.
Wow. It's always nice when someone goes through the drudgery of making decks for Standard. I guess it keeps you from retreading the same paths. I don't really understand why you need so much land. Without mana ramp, it's useless, and with sufficient mana ramp, it seems unnecessary. True, I'm not familiar with Standard restrictions, but it seems you could cut a little land, double down on some of your mana spawn which already impressed me (at first I was thinking no way is this a functioning deck) and still leave room for some contingency cards to deal with cards like doom blade (I assume Standard still has annoying cards like that). I'll be frank, I saw that this was an unloved deck (like all of mine) and decided to phish for a bit of attention by commenting. Turned out to be an interesting deck. That's really the only problem I see. You've committed to big creatures but didn't quite commit to guaranteeing that they get out and stay out. If you like, take a look at my newest deck, From the Ashes. I could use some help on it before Wednesday.
:) this is me smiling right now.
thank you very much
im a begginer and for decks that dont specifically counter its plus sides i love te 24 land guideline. however this is one such deck and therefor not as slow as it looks. the fact is that this deck is genius and does break the mold.
then check mine out instead
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