i would seriously drp the seastrider for some guard gomazoa.
thats a double edged sword and i did consider it. if you think so ill trie it out.
am already a small fan of yours, you are pretty much the only one to comment on my decks. i will check out fluffstar.
oh mygosh if i didnt hate myrs i would looove this deck. no cryticism, just props. this thing is actually scary. would apreciate feedback on some of my own decks.
i get the feeling that this deck only works against some one realy stupid, or if there are a lot of hot girls/dudes wlking around.
exelent burn deck, i would sugges firy hell hound and fling but looks like you did better. just in case you need some blockage though, i will suggest Earth servant. its one amazing elemental.
this is the way decks are meant to be made, with actual thought behind intracacy that relates to simplicity. who would have thought one land. id go as far as to say this deck is genius and ask for comments on my own.
great, anoter run of the mill elf deck. you should deck search elf for some fresh ideas.
i too seem to have a similar problem with killing in my blue white. honestly this is a completely different way to go about it. however there is no such thing as an indistructable defense. i would appreciate feedback on my decks.
i had planned a similar deck that was kithkin heavy, but this one looks out of my price range. Surewhynot, would you please critique my decks, i just started using this site and am in dire need of feedback.
i do not "cheat" and i do not care if some one does. i too have been frustrted at how hard it is to get people to look at the decks a take pain in making. personaly, if there where ever an elf deck to make me like elf decks, it would probably be this one. nice and gutsy, as was your move to get to the top. not pathetic at all. smart. NOW WILL SOME ONE PLEASE COMMENT ON MY DECKS!!!!!
okay this is a great elf deck, but elf decks by their very nature are required to suck on my balls. props though for going all the way with this tribe. i just finished an anti elf deck, but im not sure it could stand up to this.
It wpold be a great help if anyone kne of a card that gives mas lifelink.
Guilt feeder would also be amazing as long as you dont mind using old cards.
for the sake of blood chief ascension, a Spiteful visions would go realy well with liliana's caress, as wood bloodhusk ritualist. with those four carsd you start talking about so many ways to jack your opponent over that its almost to evil. i would also appreciate feedback on some of my decks.
ps. how do you rate? just on your comment? if so i give you a 7.8 out of ten. though your use of spirit link as aposed to life link derserves props, and im always lookin to pump up some creatures.
ive been wanting to make both a white black deck and a cat tribal for a while now, it cool to see both at the same time. i think maybe just 3 Jareth, and you should think about getting a spirit of the hearth in there somehow. please comment on some of my decks as i just started using this site.
Its cool to see the many ways a white red can be made. cant say im a big fan of this one though. you should try Balefire liege. also take a look at this deck i made, it may give you some ideas.http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=138632
Minus the singles and planes walkers, i like ur styly, please comment on my decks as well.
please comment on my decks.
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