are you planning to use this strategy in a more serious deck? id like to see that. it would be interesting. i have an oblivion deck that messes with sending cards back to hands an libraries. it was realy fun.
thought about spitemare but for some reason it just wasnt attractive for this deck, maybe cause of the white. will check out Mog Maniac though. thanks
cansome one tell me if Fire servant's abillity stacks? because if it does that makes this deck 8 times better.
no, so i can mass summon from grave or exile.
one word, platinum emperion. i know what youre thinking. what are the chances? well, as long as im not playing a life gain deck i pretty much want platinum emperion in it. any fast poison should effectively prevent you from keeping creatures long term . crossroads is a double edged sword and i cant help but feeling that your efforts would be better used making sure you get your staff and kepp it. this deck should runjust a little anti black to stop extinction. despite the rather unattractive tone you took towards my anti elf deck which was only meannt for uncreative elf decks, and has seen resonable success, i hope i was able to point out weak points that you can now patch up. if i was wrong, im sure youll tell me.
scratch soul warden and souls attendant. if you cant afford elspeth tirel then go for blunt the attack. there are alot of good saproling token summoners out there all you have to do is deck search. but as always leyline of the meak is a decent card for tokens as is awakening zone. even those two xards together will give you a 1/2 every up keep. i make a lot of token decks so check out my profile.
nice use of awakening zone. most people over look its use in token decks. consider spirit of the hearth to keep reds from ignoring your token army. your ridiculous use of planes walkers should keep you in the clear in terms of tokens and pumps, but leyline of the meak is always good to havve in a token deck as is true conviction and blunt the attack. green white, and redwhite are the best token colors and you my friend have built a solid token deck.
expensive move
yeah if your willing to let go some serious cash. thats like saying, this deck would really beifit from four baneslayer angels.
sacrifice your gatherer of graces for cthulu(Mycoloth). thn sacrifice rancors to bring them back. if you use even more powerful white auras you can manipulate Cthulu's ability further to bring even more saproling. your dependency on utopia is what is making your game slow. get rid of it in favor of more auras, or land, or search cards or token pumpers like leyline of the meek. plus cards like blunt the attack will give you a ton of life for your tokens.
Red whit and tokens just so happen to be my thing. i hate to go and redesign your whole deck but if your going for redwhite token domination you should consider balefir liege, rise of hobgoblins, patrol signaler and leyline of the meak. plus if you want to seriously make your tokens rediculous, try true conviction. check ou my white hot and true grit decks for some ideas. feel free to comment on the others as well.
try adding Awakening zone tusk caller and if you dont mind having some white, leyline of the meek. i dont think you need so many land.
look. its stupid to try and trick some one into looking at a deck but you know what, its really hard to get people who will. so there is nothing wrong with saying please look at my decks. usually though i only ask people who i consider to be better than me and there for have little advice for those people.
dont mean to be deperate, but i too have skill and i do make tourney decks. but enough about me, i was expecting to see eldrazi monument or something like that to boost all tokens, not that there is anything wrong with beast master ascension. i have made a ramp deck that utilizes similar tactics. i think its a very nice stompy.
I need to know of any cards that allow you to summon or un exile creatures as a way of summoning.
definitely consider fire elemental, nice touch with leyline of punishment. I wonder why it isnt in all burn decks?
well when i said fast damage i meantquick in out, no lingering around, not fast like burn or stomp. thanks for the card, and glad you thought the deck was at least interesting.
try levitaion, then all your defenders can fly. island walk however is rarer and more useful, but there are cards that will do it that arent merefolk. i just dont know what theyre called =)
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