Please comment on mine:
Nice deck... Please comment on mine:
I am not against other colours, I know there are zombies in both red and blue. I have got some Lava Zombies, but just havn't used them yet... Pls explain your Squee - Zombie Investation 'Engine'? I can't find a 'Squee' card... thank you
Nice deck +1
'Bad Moon' is great, until you battle against another black deck. Take a look at 'Door of Destinies'.
Sweet! +1
Thanks again rileyandholly88
If you are going to give me the 'thumbs down', at least comment on my deck and give me a reason!!!
Thanks rileyandholly88, do you know the card name for the new Zombie Lord?
it is legal in 'casual play' format :)
I would start by trying to decide what your paths to victory are, or the theme of your deck. Although 'Zombie' is a theme, I don't think in itself it is a specific enough theme to create a reasonable deck, as Zombie decks can vary a lot. Try to keep the deck to 60 cards. Once you have decided how you want your deck to work, carefully pick the cards for it... if a creature or spell card is a fundemental part of the deck, you really need to have four of that card in your deck, as you want the card to be drawn from the library in every game. Single cards might only be drawn every 3 or 4 games... I am no expert, but my Zombies to get a good win to lose ratio. Please feel free to look through my Zombie decks.
'Call to the Grave' with 'Debtor's Knell' is my new favourite combo... if your opponent has a non-zombie creature during upkeep, one has to be sacrificed, then it is put in play under your control... Sweet!!
'Zombie Trailblazer' only gives a single zombie swampwalk, and you have to tap another zombie. If I had 'Soulless One' in the deck, then the Trailblazer would definately be in... Thanks for the comments.
I did consider slowing the intake of card, but I don't have to use this ability. If I need a creature for my next draw, then I can guarantee it. I might add two more 'Holy Grotto' and remove the two 'Phyrexian Vault', I haven't used this deck in back yet, so will see how it plays before changing it. Thanks for the comments.
Thanks... only created the deck this evening, so will let you know when it's battle tested.
'Skirk Ridge Exhumer' to discard a creature card from your hand to get 1/1 Zombie in play, then return that creature card to your hand with 'Lord of the Undead'... with 'Undead Warchief' in play too, that 1/1 becomes a 4/3 for only 3 mana!!
Great deck... have you considered 'Doubling Season'?
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