4 x Phyrexian Dreadnought = £100 Out of my price range :(
Nice deck.
Liking the Dreadnoughts, for a 36/36 trampler... Sweet!
like it... if it comes out in turn 2 with 26/26 trample, i thinks it game over, without Gravespawn... Thanks for the comment.
I agree with 'Parasitic88', but would would also add upto 4 more land, as you are unlikely to be able to play your first creature until at least turn 7.. also, too many legends in a deck for my liking, maybe swap a couple of them for a few smaller creatures?
'Iona, Shield of Emeria' nasty card - i like it... Nice deck.
What do you want the deck to do? What are your paths to victory, or how would you like the deck to work? There are a lot of cards here, which 3 most represent the deck you want to build? If you look at my latest deck 'Devouring Strossus' and 'Sutured Ghoul' were the cards behind the idea... I then added cards that i though would make a nice deck.
Thanks for the comments both... I like the idea of making him indestructible - NICE!
Thanks meyaht... I like it too
Check out my 'Thraximundar Zombies' deck... similar theme, but 'Thraximundar' is awesome.
Exile = remove from the game.
Please comment on my other new decks... thank you Havoc_Demon.
I think Entrails is a great zombie card, but using him in every deck becomes dull... 'Debtors Knell' will give me plent of very cheap (free) creatures, 'Call to the Grave' will keep opponents creatures to a minimum and feed 'Debtors Knell' It's all about getting 'Thraximundar' into battle; combined with Lord, Warchief and Master, he is even more awesome!! Thanks for the comments.
Nice deck.... Check 'Door of destinies' as a possible replacement for 'Coat of Arms'?
This deck has just had a massive overhaul, comments welcome. Thank you
Thanks abekairouz
Zombies Zombies and more Zombies...!!
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