Also, since you're already playing blood tribute, check out how it combos with Sanguine bond ;)
Not a problem. I love my vampires. Another cool combo is Bloodghast, twinned with Culling Dais. Nice little draw engine with the Bloodghast returning to the table everytime you play a land (and with haste if you get your opponent to less than 10 life ;) )
cool themed deck but no Vampire Nighthawk? Cant miss out one of the most powerful vampires im Magic (and possibly the most brutal of its set!!!) Personally, i'd run 4 of the bad boys. :D
Hmmm. Only deck I can see this struggling against is a mill deck. Is there any antimill land???
some nice ideas. Space for wall of Reverence though?
Can you explain the deck? I don't see how this works.
Volcano Hellion... Nuff said!
Haha. Its all about the tests and the tweaks. Seems a good base to start though. Just about figure my sideboard out now, but want to play a few more games before I confirm it. I'll let you know how I get on.. also... with that many artifacts... Splash white for Tempered Steel? It's brutality!!!
Yeah. TBH, i'm only running white for the Myrsmith and for the sideboard cards to give me a touch more control/protection if needed, but running mono red has got to be a no brainer to use splinter twin atm. For all there is a lot of big cards and big combos in there, I tend to find that normally, a win will come from good old fashioned basic beats. Haven't tried in Standard tournament environment yet, but played against an extremely heavy control deck of my friends, and seems to hold its own. Best tech in the deck? It's got to be the Crystal Ball!!!
Personally, I think the current Myr decks are a bit of a no brainer with a few tweaks outside of the vital cards to suit personal preference. Check out my deck below for Standard. The usual combos of unlimited mana into fireball, create infinite Myr Galvanizers, Or just stick a splinter twin on a Myr Battlesphere to get truly dirty!!!
All I can say is, Why isn't all is dust in there? Or even It That Betrays???
Sword of Body and Mind is tasty, but the only 'expendable' creature of the deck really is the Hedron crab, and run them the right way and they are going to bring a lot of creature hate online. Nemesis of Reason with a sword of body and mind however.... Ultra disgusting Mill, regards of whether it's blocked!!!! Personally, if you are looking at the sword, I would remove the traumatize and DEFINITELY replace them with Nemesis of reason. They're a far better five cast in any mill deck than A Traumatize will be.
Granted, the Dimir gets 1x extra land drop, but still only gives 1x land drop per turn. Running fetch + relevant land (either underground sea for budgetless build or swamp/island for budget build) gives a drop of 2 land in 1x turn, activating the crabs twice. Much better system. For guaranteed land drop every turn, hold back an undiscovered paradise...
From my experience? Any deck that splashes green or white. WOSAM helps against so many decks it's unreal. Had a lot of experience dealing with it at the last local tourney. Seen them run main deck in some instances. especially the likes of to tier enchantress deck...
Like it btw. Nice to see mill decks out there. :)
I play a mill deck Legacy. Personally, I prefer to run Leyline main deck. You know you are only going to have to sideboard it in regardless on game 2, so may as well start with it in the deck to start with. Also, that amount of graveyard hate first game causes major issues with the likes of the top tier reanimator decks etc and can get you an easy win game 1 without even playing a card. Since you're using Hedron crab, I would suggest looking at your mana base and swap out a lot of the basic lands for relevant fetch lands. the 'crabuse' is always phenomenal. Especially if you can get first turn island, crab, 2nd turn crab, fetch land. That's a mill for 8 on turn 2 without even batting an eyelid. I tried running twincast as well for a while, but found other cards work far better. Sure, it's nice if you've got the mana floating and can twincast say an archive trap, but normally you want to be really agressive with the mill cards and twincast kind of becomes redundant. I'd look at replacing the memory sluice and the traumatize with Archive traps main deck. By the time you've got the mana to cast traumatize, you don't really have much of your opponents deck left or you're dead. Memory sluice theoretically is better than a tome scour, but with only the hedron crab as your creature card you are rarely going to get conspire. Using archive trap can be so much more brutal. Think how many decks in legacy run even just fetch lands. I've seen opponents take first turn and set off a fetch with me sitting with an easy 26 mill before any of my land or spells hit the table. The tutors are nice to go for the cards you want, but 4 casting cost is expensive, and generally sets you back a turn. I'd perhaps either look at brainstorms or senseis divining top to control what you are drawing, rather than looking for cards. Especially if you do go with fetch lands. 3 cards of guff on the top? Shuffle them away with a fetch. reduce down like this and I think you could perhaps look at running only 22 land as it should sooth out your mana curve. I would suggest running 12 fetch and 10 land (if you can run dual land, even better but those underground seas are gonna be pricy!!! lol). Only other problem you will have will be against any beats decks. I'd suggest you need to look at some way to control this just long enough to get your combo pieces onto the table. But other than that, tasty enough. If you want, take a look at my deck which seems to be a very similar idea, just I wanted to make it without using the combo. I've edited it to roughly how I had it running last tourney. There's 3 cards short but i'm stuck at work and can't remember what they were. Think I may have ran 3x ensnaring bridge main deck and had something else sideboard, but you get the idea
What if you don't have first turn? Opponent first turn Chalice of the void for zero or a trinisphere stops your speed in it's tracks, which is something you could quite happily see in a Legacy build deck
Out of curiosity, is this built to go tournament standard? Only reason I ask is this has been built to go third turn (seen this done many a time from my friends painter/grindstone deck) but with no control, how would you plan on containing the likes of wheel of sun and moon which could be dropped second turn by your opponent (so doesn't matter if you have turn advantage). Leyline of the Void is a beautiful stop against the Eldrazi anti mill and the likes of Gaea's blessing, but a second turn wheel is going to kill this deck... Like the idea, but I think the sideboard has GOT to become a lot more responsive as looks to be vulnerable in many ways in a tournament environment (no beat stop). Like it, but think it needs some work yet. :)
Like the deck, but why use millstone? Just a suggestion, but wouldn't he grindstone/painters servant combo serve you better in this deck?
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