What format is this supposed to be?
It's actually an idea that my friend had. The problem with spoils is that you may just kill yourself on turn one, and it kills the deck's budget. It's still perfectly playable, though.
Any help with the sideboard is much appreciated. Please supply me with modern-competitive cards. Thanks!
It's Propaganda that's killing the legality. Otherwise, great innovative deck! Just needs counter spells!
I love Treasure Cruise. However, I tend to disagree with you in terms of Visions of Beyond. As long as you play around it, with Treasure Cruise, you still have addtional consistency (reducing the chance you draw into a land and fizzle the combo). I just like the idea of running more than 4 copies of a glorified Ancestral Recall.
I like the editions you made for a Legacy build. If you're feeling fancy, and you can acquire a play set, use Treasure Cruise or Visions of Beyond, because who doesn't like playing with power nine?
Yes you would. Muddle the Mixture also serves as a counter spell as well as a way to fetch up ideal cards.
Nope. Usually because I can set up two can trips next turn anyway.
The main reason I have Wild Cantor is to kind of have "reserve mana." Wild cantor is the only creature in the deck that if you fizzle trying to go off (because you're against a blue deck) that you still have so acceleration, and that you have a free 1 mana on one of the next turns, as well as helps you ensure you can combo off again.
I love all combo. It's like a house of cards. It's so hard to get right, but when you finally get that combination of skill and luck, it's so rewarding. When you're able to consistently crush opponents, it gets boring. I honestly prefer to lose without counter spells than win with counter spells.
Just saying, I had quotes on the Guaranteed. Also, I primarily run so many posts and so few lands because with Greater Gargadon's ability, when Restore Balance resolves, if you have no lands, you basically destroy all lands your opponent controls, leaving them with nothing, and you have a 9/7 ready to beat their face in. Also, at least you still have a mana base present on board when Restore Balance resolves. The only time you want to kill your mana base is when you play against affinity, because then you can remove your lands and posts to again outrace them with Greater Gargadon.In regards to protection, that's what the Idyllic Tutor toolbox is for; to be able to lock the game out. If they disperse their counter spells and removal suite on the tutor and other enchantments, you at least still have Tezzeret, the Seeker and Greater Gargadon to make a finish.
I can still win through tribal beatdown however!
Well i find that this deck is too geared towards the Aggro strategy. An ideal Red Deck Wins deck has around 20 creatures, 20 burn spells, and 20 lands. Try taking mine as an example.
ok sure put the link i'll comment
Sure! Ask me anything!
You see, I was going to, but then as I tested I wouldn't rack up so much mana that I'd be able to Genesis Wave efficiently.
Is this an attempt at a Modern Red Deck Wins? If so, look up a primer. You're missing essential burn spells in the main board such as Rift Bolt, Skullcrack, Lightning Bolt (best removal in modern), and creatures like Goblin Guide, Vexing Devil, and Hellspark Elemental or Kjeldoran Marauders.
It's really flexible. I really recommend it.If you can, try to get your hands on some Master Transmuters, as a way of cycling artifacts out to put a huge Wurmcoil for free!
Not if you have the Lotus Bloom+ Pentad Prism package, then you can power it out on turn 4.
Try the Stuffy Doll+Pariah Combo. Nobody can then hurt you with damage.
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