
327 Decks, 118 Comments, 15 Reputation

Great combos. Although I don't really like playing Black-Red Aggro/Burn like you have here, I would not mind playing this deck at all... I really like the fact that you put in a Griselbrand, because the common mistake that people make in Aggro decks is putting in life gain cards, when aggro decks are meant to just pummel the opponent when possible... Overall, Great Deck.

Posted 12 March 2013 at 22:40 as a comment on Gas Leak


If you really like Aggro decks, you should put faster creatures in there, like a Bloodbraid Elf perhaps.

Posted 05 March 2013 at 02:14 as a comment on Gruul Standard


He most likely did so to run more cards with the same abilities. As we all know, we can only run 4 of each except for lands.

Posted 04 March 2013 at 00:43 in reply to #328432 on My Land,Your Land,Who's Land?


Why not throw a Red Sun's Zenith in there? It would go great!

Posted 04 March 2013 at 00:41 as a comment on Baisc Burn


Why not run a Red Sun's Zenith in your sideboard? It would be great against slower deck styles.

Posted 03 March 2013 at 23:45 as a comment on Zendikar Red Burn


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