What is the purpose of this deck? Are you trying to mill them, kill them? It seems spread out.
This is EDH right?
thanks, but this is standard. I agree with collars. I can collar a bloodghast and if he does he can come back!!
I was thinking maybe taking out 2 nighthawks or basilisks collars for 2 sign in bloods.
I am not sure about Basilisk Collars anymore. I might wanna add +1 swamp +1 Fleshbag in place for basilisk, but I am not sure. Your opinion?
If this is legacy, dark rituals would work nicely to speed this deck up.
Yeah, I made this half asleep in bed this morning, I am going to take out ondu's.
should i -2 oran, +2 harabaz?
Yeah I made some changes. You're right. -2 path. -4 roil. +4 aether trade wins +2 twincast
I am thinking of putting in twin cast so I can use 2 join the ranks.
Rhys the Redeemed, could prove itself deadly late game. I use it in my wolf token deck, but only because i have keeper of progenitus, so i don't know how effective it would be for this deck. This deck looks pretty cool. I would take out pipers and add another saproling, In legacy, piper's won't stay alive and another saproling could add some synergy,
This doesn't have much synergy other than the goblin knight that gives red and green creatures +1+1. I think you should take a better look at your spells in shadowmoore and see if there are any better spells. Manamorphse and fossil find don't really work.
Oh I see now. If you want you can look at my goblin monument deck in my profile. Hipponox calls it goblin deck with late game =] I think it is really cool. We both made like 3 eldrazi monument decks in 1 day.
Why the everflowing chalice? If you want the shortcutter, take those out. Goblin deck's have a low mana curve. By the time your comet storms and banefires are useful, you will probably have enough mana anyway.
I like keeper of progenitus in dragon decks. I feel it could work in this =]
I would rather see more playsets of the enchantments rather than 2's.
A thing you can do is give them the specter, then next turn you can steal it with mark of mutiny and kill them. When it goes back to them, you can win again.
I wouldn't play Kalitas. He costs too much. It seems like you are only doing the current block. I would slim it down to 60 cards and honestly, add 2 lands.
I might add explore.
I put wren's because it acts like a spell. If I don't have another spell to produce creatures or a creature I can just pump 3 mana for a 2/2. With keeper of progenitus itll kinda make twice as many.
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