It is 60 cards, the extra 15 are in the sideboard. I see what you're saying about cutting the green and adding more counterspells and mill, but I am trying to keep this deck Standard legal. I think for Standard, the green is good for the deck. Lord of Extinction gives this it more consistent wins (with Mind Funeral, Nemesis of Reason, and Hedron Crab being the only viable mill cards right now), Maelstrom Pulse is, well, Maelstrom Pulse, and Putrid Leech gives it an early threat, which it otherwise lacks. I'm pretty sure the mana base is fine, what do you think?
Your deck looks like it's be pretty powerful. However, a simple Extirpate would absolutely wreck it, as would cranial extraction. Cards like those are probably your only threat, though. I'd appreciate comments on my Type 2 deck. I've been working on it, and I think it might be tourney ready. Thanks! :)
Wow. took me a while to figure out the combo. this deck is killer.
oh yeah, i didn't realize it was in m10.
You WILL win if Blood Tribute Resolves with Sanguine Bond in play, so since both are fairly expensive, you might want to focus on surviving until you can play them. Wall of Bone and Drudge Skeletons are both good blockers. You could also put some Negates along with a blue source in the sideboard, to deal with any counterspells a blue opponents has.
If you put in Frontier Guide, It would trigger all your landfall cards once each turn. If it's within your budget, you probably put in fetchlands that find green in place of Terramorphic Expanse, since the lands don't come into play tapped. You may wish to have Nature's Spiral in the sideboard to partially recover from Day of Judgement. This deck looks really fun to play. +1
Cool deck, but Planechase doesn't count as standard, so cut the Fabricate; it'll make your deck 60 cards, anyway. You might wanna try to fit in a few more Howling Mine/Font of Mythos, to speed up winning.
Hambeast, you're right. shadar, you should bring the deck down to sixty cards. Nacatl War-Pride is a good cat, if not a lion.
I've always thought Sovereigns of Lost Alara had a use. This deck seems like a lot of fun. I suggest adding a couple more enchantments that give shroud, since auras represent the ultimate card disadvantage if their creature is destroyed. Also, Uril, the Miststalker would be really good if you wanted to add red to your deck.
Cool deck, +1.
Thanks for your advice RoughneckBarbarian. Does this look better to you? Drowner of Secrets+Stonybrook Schoolmaster+Intruder Alarm is another win condition.
Sweet deck. Copy Enchantment Would be Paradox Hazes # 5-8.
+3 Scalding Tarn.
Nemesis of Reason mills your opponent, it doesn't make them discard cards. But it would still be a good fit for the deck. Also, add Mind funeral. I made a deck based on those two and Lord of Extinction. Help on it would be great.
Wheel of Sun and Moon is pointless, unless there's something I'm missing. Arcane Denial would be good, since the won't want to be drawing. If you're willing to add a fourth color, Cerebral Vortex would be devastating.
Cool deck, but Fog Bank is better than Mistform Wall. I would also recommend Adding Deus of Calamity in place of Yavimaya Scion, and Terra Stomper in place of Deadly Insect.
Looks really awesome, +1. You should splash white for Guilty Conscience and Pariah, though.
Goblin Sharpshooter would be a good card for this deck, if you wanted to add red.
I'd recommend cutting the green cards and focusing on white. Try veteran Armorsmith, Veteran Swordsmith, Veteran Swordsmith, and Rhox Pikemaster. It would give your deck more speed and focus. IMO, the best budget exalted/soldier cards are in white.
41-60 of 61 items