You'll probably want to put Vines of Vastwood in for Regenerate, since it's cheaper, and has basically the same effect. Also, you might want to consider Canopy Cover for long-term protection.
Why Acolyte of Xathrid? That card is really bad.
Protean Hydra is best when you have massive mana, so consider switching it for Plated Geopede. Consider having some more mana-producing creatures/artifacts (such as the borderposts from Alara block) If you want to go extended, Consider Crucible of Worlds to recycle your lands. Cool deck though. Oh, and by the way, for extended, Punishing Fire goes great with Grove of the Burnwillows.
I don't need Kami of the Crescent Moon, It's vulnerable to removal, and I have enough mill already. Archive Trap is better than Traumatize because with all the fetchlands in Legacy, It's essentially free, and you need to keep mana open for a Fog effect. I have enough of those, so I don't need the actual card fog.
You might wanna put in some cheap cyclers (i.e. Monstrous Carabid and Architects of Will) as "crypt fuel."
I took out Hedron Crab for Duress and put Negate in the maindeck.
I agree with Zamfir, you're gonna wanna choose 2 colors probably, and have more multiples. Like mykew said, Hunting Triad is good. Also use Doubling Season-It is very powerful, and is hilarious when used with Mycoloth. Rhys the Redeemed also would be good for a devour deck.
Why is Howling Mine in there?
From all sets in the past two years.
Does this look better to you?
Whoa that's a good combo. I knew both of those cards existed, but I usually don't think of Crucible of Worlds when I think turbofog. thanks for the help!
Only twenty land?
Oh, also put in Counterspell for Negate, and Treachery for Mind Control.
Serra Sphinx is strictly better than Air Elemental. Other than that, nice deck.
A few more lands would be good. Cavalry Master is your only flanking card, so you might wanna switch it out for White Knight. You might wanna cut out Neck snap, as you already have "removal," and the deck is 64 cards right now.
Oops, sorry. I didn't see the part where it said to only add 1 nonland card at a time.
1x Clockwork Dragon 1x Crucible of Fire 1x Dragon Arch 1x Dragon Whelp
If you have Grove of the Burnwillows, Punishing Fire is always good. Your artifact destruction cards should go in the the side board. All of your cards have merits, but you might wanna choose which one to have in there and have more of them. Also, I have found Marisi's Twinclaws to be pretty powerful.
I'm gonna take out the Shunt instead of the Wild Ricochet; the ricochet does essentially twice as much as Shunt for only 1 more mana.
21-40 of 61 items