
61 Decks, 47 Comments, 0 Reputation

(more edits) i think sacrificing a little scry can help you outpace the heroic deck :)

Posted 05 May 2014 at 07:18 in reply to #461468 on Scry Me a River


i think dissolves are a bit too slow. by turn 3, there's gonna be a threat you need to handle and by the time you handled it, it'll probably have another threat. i think some sideboard annul could be an idea? completely negates their enchantments and the trigger won't resolve at least, making their creatures less threatening. if you want a faster response possibly use the new magma spray reprint instead of magma jet? its a faster response than people would expect. in a heroic matchup, its always the cost efficient spells will work better because we lose tempo and we need to repopulate the board or set up another big dude again. its always who gets more bang for their buck will win the match

so other options like (gotta figure out the numbers of how many of each):
magma spray
triton tactics
(edit) judge's familiar? it discourages them from tapping out their mana to buff up their creature until a turn later. could be crucial.
(edit no.2) some essence scatter to kill the threats before they resolve?
(edit 3) Nullify for creature and aura removal

because turn and burn will probably rotate out but having a playset of it would be pretty cheap. no one expects it as everyone expects hard removal like detention spheres, mizzium mortars and all thatt board wipe hard CMC costed crap.

also i don't think lost in the labrinth will deal with the threat... it just suppresses them for a turn, sure you get the scry but the next turn its still there unless you can pull of lethal i nthat turn. personally, i'd be annoyed if my enchantments get countered and wasting it. if my threats are dealt with, then it's probably GG.

maaan, i'd love to duel and help out with your deck. building it is always half the fun. :)

Posted 05 May 2014 at 07:13 in reply to #461468 on Scry Me a River


against heroics, you probably need bit more removal and kinda luck in order to have a response and stay in tempo. but i suppose you can win in a single turn (provided you have all the right conditions on the board).

As a heavy heroic user, against this deck, my aim would just racing and combat tricks if keep the tempo up since i value my heroic triggers rather than repopulating. so i guess you need to race them as well or at least stall a lot more i suppose. the deck seems like it takes a bit of set up and comboing in order to hit hard in a turn, but i guess you can also win around turn 5/6/7 if i am guessing right? :P

i suppose you can sideboard more removal or burn spells to race them? or some more defensives ones like turn and burn (helps spellheart chimera) or maybe aetherize to reset the aggroclock. just some ideas. love the deck though :)

sorry for the long response aha.

Posted 05 May 2014 at 06:00 in reply to #461468 on Scry Me a River


Have you playtested this deck and see how well it fairs? :)

Posted 04 May 2014 at 18:53 as a comment on Scry Me a River


good point... perhaps i'm betting too much on the underworld coinsmith for that constellation, i'm still play testing grim guardian if the deck is being slowed down. maybe the title is a bit misleading.

aaaand fixed!

Posted 01 May 2014 at 14:59 in reply to #460486 on Stars of Orzhova


ahh right. supposably i would if this was any current standard meta deck. in this scenario, i actually want my creatures to die, that way, my opponent is forced to make a decision of either paying 3 life to get rid of my creatures or let them bounce it back into my hand to only play it again and cast more constellation triggers thanks to Athreos.

or at least that's the plan. only problem i can think of running into by this deck is exiling, but with supreme verdict running around, i'm pretty sure its more of harm to them rather than to me. pay 3 life for each creature killed for 4 mana or 4 mana bounce all creatures back into my hand.

Posted 01 May 2014 at 14:31 in reply to #460486 on Stars of Orzhova


kill spells?

Posted 01 May 2014 at 13:53 in reply to #460486 on Stars of Orzhova


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