
70 Decks, 57 Comments, 3 Reputation

Hey, it's always nice to see new people getting into the game. Welcome! The first problem I see with the deck is of course the inconsistency. I understand you have to cut costs, but getting your hands on a playset of Exemplars is not difficult. Since you already have the 1, it should only take you about 8$. Alot of the cards in this deck simply are not meant for a Knight Tribal deck. Blightsteel has no place in this deck, nor does Darksteel. You must remember that for knight decks to work properly, they must be putting out creatures. They win in swarm. Low costing knights are your friends here, as well as decent spot removal. Remember, it's always better to have multiple mediocre cards than 1of's of good cards. Unless that card is REALLY amazing. :D Get more 4of's, and then you'll be set.

Posted 06 August 2011 at 18:13 as a comment on I don't know what I'm doing


Renlentless Rats = #1 card that makes beginner's make horrible decks...

It's an awful concept. You get beat by control, fast aggro (your creatures are all 3 drops, though I understand you have Dark Ritual). It doesn't work. Sorry, nice try though. Maybe you'll win against some other awful deck. I'm not trying to insult your deckbuilding abilities here, just saying that the card is awful and while it wants a deck built around it, the decks are always horrible.

Neat idea though with the Thrumming Stone, still doesn't work though.

Posted 21 July 2011 at 15:40 as a comment on THE UNBEATABLE!!


Brilliant idea! I'm not huge on the particular build you created with the combo, but everyone has different styles...10/10 :) brilliant job! :D

Posted 12 July 2011 at 19:51 as a comment on Stonehorn Lockdown


With all the exiles running around, is Rancor really the right choice? I do kinda like the card...but I don't think it'll come back to your hand often...

Posted 21 June 2011 at 04:35 in reply to #173374 on The Bigger They Are... The Harder You Fall!!!


Also....60 cards

Posted 21 June 2011 at 00:01 as a comment on The Bigger They Are... The Harder You Fall!!!


Suggestions: Natures Lore (4x), Giant Growth (4x), Lignify (4x), Elvish Piper (4x), Arbor Elf (4x), Terastodon (2x), the rest is really up to you....but having this many 1 of's just ruins the deck, even if some cards are really good. Also Garruk's Packleader allows you card avantage, and you can build a deck around him and Garruk Wildspeaker and Garruk Companion, and Leatherback Balisk.

Posted 20 June 2011 at 23:55 as a comment on The Bigger They Are... The Harder You Fall!!!


I understand your on a budget, you can work out a CONSISTENT deck without money, fixing the curve is the first thing that must be done.

Posted 20 June 2011 at 23:47 as a comment on Goblins of Volcanic Strength: The Bombardment


Bazaar Trader has no part in the deck, also Lowland Oaf is below the curve (meaning: the curve is disrupted), it's creature-disadvantage. Sure your getting in for a few damage, but it's easy to recover from. Goblin Roughrider is a bad card too, not in the sense it hurts you, but it's a vanilla 3/2 for 3, which is again, below the curve. Battle-Rattle Shaman is again a card that doesn't fit in with ANY goblin in the deck, by the time you get him out, the opponent will already have big enough creatures you get rid of him, putting you from offense to defense fairly quickly. Mudbutton Torchrunner isn't as bad, but the sole reason you have him is to get him killed, correct? 3 mana for 3 damage is a waste. Tarfire or Shock, along with another Bolt would grant you damage removal, while 4 Terminate's would grant you spot-removal. Also you need more "Lords" (creatures that assist yours by granting bonus's. 4 Quest for the Goblin Lords are needed. On a side note: Volcanic Strength is not very good...Aura's are typically bad because they grant the opponent card advantage, usually the trade is 1-for-2, which is terrible. Equipments are far better, but they don't usually fit with Goblin Decks (other than Basilisk Collar). Raid Bombardment is also bad because it causes you to want to keep your creatures at low power, which results in them getting killed, and the 1 damage isn't worth it anyway. I suggest splashing black and creating a more aggro-friendly surface for the deck, once there, the deck will function better and at a superior pace. Curve the deck more, otherwise you fall behind and you can't catch up.

Posted 20 June 2011 at 23:45 as a comment on Goblins of Volcanic Strength: The Bombardment


Nice job, mate :) I actually really like it not too fancy, but it'll get the job done :)

Posted 14 June 2011 at 00:47 as a comment on What is the plural of Samurai?


I've been playing Knights for a while now, I just play casual, but I love the deck, and it's crazy fast :D

Posted 14 June 2011 at 00:42 as a comment on Any Deck Ideas?


Any 1 of's or 2 ofs you need to trim out..that's the decks biggest problem, is it's inconsistant

Posted 08 June 2011 at 00:49 as a comment on Expecto Patronless


First off, your ratio is crazy need to cut the deck down to 60....I'm seeing a lot of your more powerful cards cost quite a bit to, I recomend taking out many of them and focusing on one or two "bosses" in your deck and getting 4x of each, you also need more of the 2 CC (casting cost) cards or less, I understand you want to play the 9th and 10th edition...but you need some 1 drops, and for those you need to look at the recently printed cards..."Cosi's Trickster" is a great addition for 4x to this well as Enclave Cryptonist if you find yourself having nothing to pay mana on...I'm also liking Information Dealer, and he becomes more powerful the cheaper of wizards you allows you to plan your deck and get a boss out :) the choice of the boss is up to you....eventually you should be running about 2 creatures (4x) as 1CC, then 2 creatures (4x) as 2CC, and maybe some 3 drops and a boss or two...running 20 lands seems like a good idea, and with the amount of card advantage Enclave Cryptonist and Information Dealer give you, you'll be winnning games in no time :D

Posted 08 June 2011 at 00:48 as a comment on Expecto Patronless


There is one problem wit this deck, running both white knights and black knights presents a problem. How? Well when playing multi-colored decks you must look at your curve. Let us see how this might turn out in a game.

Turn 1- Swamp.
Turn 2- Swamp, tap both, Black Knight.

This does however set you up in a bad situation, now you must take more turns to get 2 plains for your white knight and knight exemplar.

In a multi-colored deck you want to go Swamp, Plains as far as your turn goes. However with knights this is almost impossible to do and still have good flow to your deck.

The solution, cut black and run mono white. Use sigiled paladin, honor of the pure, and knight of the holy nimbus.

The amount of good mono white knights is almost endless. Knight of meadowgrain, kinsbaile caviler, leonin skyhunter. Then add removal like path to exile.

With tribal decks i suggest playing 24-28 creatures, 4-8 removal, 4 enchantments that boost them. Some of those creatures must be "Lords" Like Knight Exemplar. Then cards to protect your knights like brave the elements

Hope I helped!

Posted 13 August 2010 at 17:55 as a comment on :-) knights of the round table


both Knight of Cliffhaven and Knight Errant are not very great cards and can easily be replaced with something like Sigiled Paladin or Kinsbaile Cavilier.

Also, I don't think Leyline of Sanctity and Sword of Vengeance are good enough to keep and would cut them for removal such as path to exile

Holy day is also not a very good card and should be switched for something that actually really protects your knights like Brave the Elements.

Posted 13 August 2010 at 17:37 as a comment on Knights of the Holy Order


Player 1-"Dude, read this card, it's so cool"
Player 2-"Sure"
*Turns to stone*

Posted 10 August 2010 at 18:05 as a comment on unhinged \m/


This is why you buy singles from a store or online......

Posted 10 August 2010 at 17:48 as a comment on Under Cover of Knight


Why so many cards?

Posted 10 August 2010 at 17:24 as a comment on Multikicker Madness


The sideboards not the place for cards you want to test your deck with.....

Posted 11 July 2010 at 13:55 in reply to #47450 on G/W Wolves


How about some Knight of the Reliquary or Noble hierarch? That's what I used in my deck.

Oh yeah, Really think Loam Lion is a good choice for your 1-drop.

Posted 09 July 2010 at 17:45 as a comment on G/W t2 deck (help needed)


I like your curve and all, but some of your cards don't really seem to fit into your mana base.

For example Leatherback Baloth, while his mana cost suggests he would come out on turn 3 he will actually come out on turn 4-5 depending on your draws, running cards with split colors helps out a lot.

I would very much appreciate it if you would comment on my Green/White Aggro deck, I was going to use it in an extended tournament in Lawton, Oklahoma. But WoTC changed the extended format rules so i can't use some of the cards.

So i changed the deck and just made it to play with my friends.

Posted 09 July 2010 at 17:42 as a comment on G/W t2 deck (help needed)


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