Very good, +1
You said that the misty rainforest allows you to get out land faster, then why run those and not evolving wilds and terramorphic expanse?
I'm going to rate you high because so many people rate decks low because they fail to see the idea behind a deck, most of the time it's newer players that rate decks low. Good Deck A+ 7.5/10
From what i see this is a solid deck, while your sources for getting cards have been limited, you have created a deck in which you seem to have all the necessities (Good mana curve, strong creatures, and you seem to have stuck to the landfall theme very well). Your lands seem a bit jumbled, but then again i'm no fan of 3 color decks. Overall you have done a superb job on building this deck, you have the talent of deck building.
running 3 darksteel's only makes you vulnerable. As they would be "dead draws" for the first 11 turns of the game, if you truly want to run them cut it down to 1.
I like it, very well done. One thing I would do to improve it is add in more 1-Drops or 2-Drops.
You should run Qasali Pridemage in this deck, running it would ensure that you don't have to run naturalize on you sideboard.
Check out my deck list to give you ideas on my profile (Green/White Aggo) Also, you should at least run 2 of every card (and 3-4 in most creature cases) the only exception is finishers.
Knight of the White Orchid is a lot better in a white weenie deck. Also running mono creatures makes them harder to cast. (Example: a creature with GW in his mana cost (Such as Watchwolf) is easier to cast in a split mana base other than WW (Such as the Knight))) If you wan't mana ramp, get guaranteed mana, explore is not as good as a card such as Harrow (I Very much recommend this card as it pumps up your knight of the reliquary) I would also run 4 Terramorphic expanses instead of 1, they pump up your knight of the reliquary and help you run a split mana base.
hmmm, it looks surprisingly good. However, you need someway to protect yourself from removal. What if someone Path to exile's one of your creatures that you have 3-4 enchantments on?
For example if you wanted to play G/W you would play G/W cards as they would be more consistent in a split mana base, such as Watchwolf Knight of the Reliquary Mycoid Shepherd Bant Sureblade Charging troll Dauntless Escort Gaddock Teeg Elvish Hexhunter Kitchen finks Knight of new alara Wilt-Leaf liege Wilt-leaf Cavilers Knotvine Paladin Novablast Wurm Qasali Pridemage Qasali Ambusher As I said before lookking at my G/W Aggro deck may give you some ideas, if you're going to copy me however, please give me credit in the description, it is common courtesy to players to name who designed the deck if it was someone other then yourself.
Message me on my Green/White aggro deck or look at it to give you ideas
Very inconsistent, you must realize that having so many 1 of's in a deck hurts you, I can try to help you as mush as possible to ensure you get better at magic.
I have been a fan of Green/ White for a while and am a experienced Magic Player. First, if you're going to build a white/green aggro deck you need more 2 color cards (See my green/white aggro deck on my profile) If you wan't to keep the cards you have, yes, take out white and run mono green. I do not know how long you have been playing, but I must say, this is a very nice deck (Especially if you take out white). And yes, you should take out progenitus. Also, you must know how to count mana in your mana pool since you are running Locus of mana. Lands and mana are different things! remember that. Comment on my deck at this link if you have any questions,
I would love to face this deck with my green white deck. Please go see mine and rate and comment!
I don't know where you're getting your card's good sir, but I got my Wilt-Leaf lieges for 99 cents a piece.
Just so you know, Banding is an illegal ability (It's not supported anymore). Also, I would take out some spells and add mana ramp as it will increase the effectiveness of your Howl of the Night Pack's. You can still use this deck for casual play, which seems what your going to be doing. Also, I don't see any Wolfbrair Elemental's, any "wolf" deck needs those. Take out your Wren's Run Packmaster, as you don't run many elves.
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