I would go with two of each dragon... or else you have too many
I find vector asp to be relatively useless. I like the idea with tumble magnet, but since this deck is likely going to be an early game deck it's probably better to go with stabbing pain for early blockers. Cheaper, and has a chance of being removal too. Also, go vines of the vastwood instead of monstrous growth. It can protect your creatures as well as offering pump. Fume spitter and skinrender are also relatively useless if you don't have proliferation, because they don't really fit the theme. They can be great for removal if you have proliferate, but without prolif they are subpar in this deck. Here is my deck if you want to take a look. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=102946
Maybe 4 trinket mages, seeing as he is completely necessary for your deck?
He liked it before it was mainstream
Not sure about Tel-jilad fallen, blackcleave goblin, and tangle angler. Also why contagious nim when you can just add more ichor rats, which are much more effective. Also think about ichorclaw myr, he's a beast. Here's my infection deck. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=102946
Will do man!
It may be worth adding black for doran, the siege tower
Thanks for commenting on my deck man! I'm not sure if this was the deck you were talking about, but if you don't mind shelling out a few bucks you might replace the llanowars with BoP.
To each his own, I like the extra speed, BoP gives me, but it does make it less likely that I'll draw a buff when I need it
And this is why there is no affinity in the scars block :P
Think about BoP. Did wonders for my infect deck... I love assault strobe, I almost splashed red in my deck just for assault strobe, but then I figured that for the most part giant growth will more than double the damage that I'm doing to a player and distortion strike will likely make double strike unnecessary. Nice deck! Here's mine http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=102946
Traumatize is a card you probably don't want for of. It's very good if you cast it early game, but starting with 2 in your hand would suck, it's so expensive mana-wise, you might only play once every 3 games.
Vampire's bite instead of holy strength, and get rid of contagion engine or at least have less of them, they're too expensive. If you get them out they are great, but it would be a real bummer to have 2 in your opening hand. Whispersilk cloak is good, but i prefer splashing blue in my deck for distortion strike. Also, if you equip whispersilk cloak, you can't pump that creature, which is a big minus. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=102946 is my deck.
I'm playing standard, I just happen to have brainstorms and will use them when playing casually with friends. But I'm not sure what I want for those sideboard spots when I can't have brainstorm. I see preordain as massively ineffective compared to brainstorm, to the point where I don't really want to play it, I would have at least two putrefaxes in my sideboard if I played a tournament, to help with control, then maybe another vines of vastwood and another skithiryx. Thanks for the comment!
I was about to make the exact same comment, if you check my infect deck (which I like to think is pretty good) I use BoP and it not only accelerates my mana, but allows me to splash blue while only having to islands and 2 u/b duals. I agree that putrefax should be a sideboard for control. I've never played with livewire lash, but maybe I will...
Thanks man! I guess that's kind of the point :D
I don't see this deck as having that much staying power. Add in a vines of the vastwood and it can buy you a turn. I splash blue for distortion strike so even when my opponent has down turn 6 creatures, i can sneak by them ftw. Here's my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=102946
Also if you're worried about tokens, echoing decay and/or echoing truth can take care of that easily
Thanks for pointing that out man, I'll fix it. I had them sideboarded at first, but I really like having them for extra speed removal early
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