ooo i like the possibilities with deathrender and agree that lightning greaves would drive it home with emrakul, but I value the essence of overrunning my opponent asap. deathrender is not only conditional but pricey. i will look into this more but am still sticking with this layout until further thought is put into it. thanks!
I understand perfectly and am happy to see a good forum member trying to improve the quality of magic players throughout. I too am busy and work two jobs that allow me to think all day. (lifeguard and I work at a golf course mowing lawn.) I often find myself thinking about magic, video games, and money; or in a sense, the preservation and use of it. Anyways I have just noticed the presence you strike in the forums and now look to find your comments. Keep it up Boss!
sTr8-jacKeT how much time on average do you spend commenting, making decks, surfing mtg, and thinking about the game of magic in general?
i dont see win condition am i blind?
when is pulse that usefull other than a token deck?
i like the idea maybe vengevine? who knows but you cant get all the above creatures you stated till like turn 7... unless u can untap fauna
thank you, i believe it will be brutally beat down though...
my treefolk deck would crush this land gatherer deck
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