check out my saproling deck... see if you can see the idea...
in the making dick
likin it, add honor of the pure, its cheaper
just a nice creature that has some protection not just for burn
beautiful i love this idea u should proxy this one! 8/10 only cause it can be beaten with mass creatures and burn lol so can any deck i suppose...
??? could u explain this dispute?
I love this deck, looks a lot like mine... I am a fan of the eldrazi spawn killage/makeage of tokens. 9/10
I am not a fan of the 62+ card decks but i just seem to be able to tolerate this one. for some reason it seems like it is just crazy enough to work... I like the versatility and at the same time cringe at the number on duplicates there aren't in the deck. overall: 7 nice work.
you should check it out my ally mill deck its called, What, you dont have a deck? btw i stole your archive trap + path combo its quite tasty
fauna shaman?
.............60 cards, thats all i gotta say man oh and i dont even SEE progenitus in this deck...???
Two words, One card, a lot of rape: Beastmaster ascension
B.E.A utiful i never thought of adding man-creature land enchantments...
hmmmm interesting.... i like me the cascade... stoneforge? Realm: FTW
i like it alot. THoughts and Suggestions: splash blue for roil unsummon and aether remove sign, echoes and lillian.... idk how well sign and echoes would work and if their purpose would be quenched. i believe bouncing creatures and making them discard them would be beneficial.... now, where is the mind rot?
i definitely like what you have going on here minus halimar depths and terramorphics... here is a big 9.1 for ya
ooo once again i like that possibility... I will look into this one more for sure...
Thanks again, This deck needs serious thought and energy. I am trying to figure out a way to keep my small mana creatures safe from control cards like day, bolt, etc thanks though!
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