Lol stop giving him such good ideas. No just kidding, I'm kinda mad at myself for not thinking of that for him, I did tell him though to add more Bloodline Keepers which would do the same thing. The better this deck is the better I have to make my W/G human deck . I look forward to playing against this deck again.
Not a bad card. He is kinda high in coast compared to the rest of the deck, but he could by a Win Con. I will have to play test him and see how he does. Him combined with Ajani giving him double strike and flying yeah that is a Win Con. Thanks for the tip.
I agree with Mono, Gravecrawler will do well in this deck he combos well will Lotleth Troll since Lotleth is a Zombie so he can always be played from the graveyard. Deathbridge should go too as Mono said you don't want many scavenage with Jarad, since he gets big as long as there are a buntch of creatures in the graveyard. Nice deck though.
Hey if you get a chance can you take a look at my W/G human deck?
OMG this deck will have you running home to Mommy, sucking on your little thumb. This deck is really awesome. It would really piss me off I can tell you that. Good job man.
The rings aren't a bad idea. If I put one in it would the Ring of Kolonia for Champion of Lamholt I like the idea of always getting the +1/+1 counter. Thanks BloodAxe and Coasttrax.
Wow you bought a pretty good deck. It's not standard but you should do pretty well in modern. The whole deck works so well together. Kodos to your friend for making such a great deck. Good Luck with it.
For some reason my friends let me keep him and I just make them pay for it later on. Then they have to waste a spell to get rid of him so it's win win for me. Best card in Ayacyn Restored in my oppinion.
I agree with you about only running 3 Vampire Nocturnus and dumping the Zealous Conscripts and Bloodthrone Vampire they work well as a combo because your not going to sac your own creature so you're depending on pulling both and playing both. Adding 2 Bloodline Keeper is also a good idea because all the creatures are vampires so he is sure to transform, and if you have a Nocturnus out your field is pretty unstoppable. Adding more burn or kill power is a good idea maybe Tragic Slip or Murder. I play against this deck all the time Monohorror is a friend of mine and the deck is pretty deadly the way it is, but I think with some of these changes I it saddens to say it will become more deadly. I really think Duress should go because I hate it when he pulls Duress on turn 1.
I forgot to mention the most important creature for a deck like this. Guttersnipe would be amazing in this deck. There would be turns that you could probably do 4 to 6 damage and that's if you only have one on the battlefield.
Good deck idea I love exalted. You should have 4 Lotleth Trolls because he should be your primary attacker due to the fact that you make him big by discarding Slitherhead and Dreg Mangler and he regenerates for 2 mana. I would also add in Treasured Find only because it lets you take any card out of your graveyard and put it back in your hand and in this deck it could be another counter on Lotleth or Tragic Slip. Good luck. If you get a chance take a look at my W/G human deck.
This is a very solid deck. I just hope it's fast on the mill or an aggro deck will destroy you. You can't stall at all. Maybe add Thunderous Wrath instead of Reforge the Soul or a Jace's Phantasm at least then once you get 10 cards milled into your opponents graveyard you place him/her on a 4 turn counter. Good luck. If you get a chance take a look at my W/G human deck
NIce Deck. Check out my W/G Humans
I only started playing magic about a year ago, and mostly only play with a group of Friends and never saw an Ally deck. This looks awesome. I would not want to go up agaist it. You can have all your Allies get super big. I would give you advise but I don't know much about legacy. NIce deck.
I like the mechanics of this deck. Proliferating Azor's Elocutors is a great idea, mana ramping with Farseek is a great idea too. Nice deck Good luck with it. If you get a chance take a look at my W/G Human deck .
I like it. I will give it a try tonight. I work 12 hour shifts during the night and my co-workers and I play magic when its not busy to pass the time. So I will throw one in and see how it plays. Thanks for the tip.
What should I put in her place?
I added Ranger's Guile to my SB and will play it when I need it. I added Rootborn Defense to protect ally creatures but Ranger's Guile will protect my strongest creature. Good catch thanks for the help.
Good balance btw creatures and spell power. I just love Vexing Devil I have him in one of my decks and all my friends hate it when I get him first drop especially if I put Deviant Glee him. Great deck. Congrats on Top Deck.
I was thinking the same thing, so I went out bought the 4 Temple Garden. I had to really convince my wife to let me spend the money, but I prevailed in the end. She is the best. Again thank you for the tip.
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