Far too few creatures...
Lone Missionary
I'm just thinking you need to get that Bubble Matrix out ASAP
Replace corrupted resolve with Fabricate?
I'm guessing snapcaster mage
Curiosity instead of Last Thoughts?
Add Basilisk Collar and GelectrodeDeathtouch ping = instant creature death
Have you considered Delver of Secrets with so many Instant/Sorceries in the deck? Its Standard Legal
Distortion Strike instead of Teleportal?
Duskmantle Guildmage?Check out my Mindcrank deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/xeotech/decks/mindcrank/
Vampire Nighthawk is basically required. Its such a broken creature. Get rid of the Crypt Ghasts imo.
Deadly Allure has a flashback of 1 green... pretty powerful in this deck with deathtouch spam.
1 Memorial and both Increasing Ambitions
I realize, but forcing your opponent to block is valuable in certain situations.
Deadly Allure
Idyllic Tutor // Enlightened Tutor
Hm... I like this. I might try this out. Seems like it has pretty good synergy. Since you only have one actual monored spell... why so many Mountains? Add some dual lands maybe?
81-100 of 101 items