deck name made me LOL.
Kiln Fiend
Yeah its only $10,000
He has many ways to win. Jace, Time Vault + Voltaic Key, Inkwell Leviathan, Dark Confident swinging
Dude... Hymn to Tourach
Paradigm Shift + Rest in Peace
Also you do realize with Forced Fruition in play under the opponent's control, if you used Personal Tutor, the forced fruition trigger would resolve before your tutor did so you would not draw the card you tutored for. I guess maybe that problem is solved with the sensei tops.
You can't use 4 mystical tutors. Try Personal tutor maybe?
What is this deck even trying to do? Is there a goal here?
Vapor Snag instead of Unsummon
Yeah? Draw a few sample hands... you'll end up with all shit you can't use an no creatures. Propaganda will atleast slow them down until you stabilize.
Wrath of God would destroy this deck. You need counterspells. Why don't you also consider something like Propaganda?
Listen, add 4 Walls of Reverence and 2 Ajani Goldmane. The wall pumps Ajani's Pridemate every turn, gaining more and more life. Ajani' Goldman's ultimate puts out a token equal to your life total, when combined with Wall, makes the token double each turn, your life gets out of control very quickly.
It is not.
Um, Painter's Servant and no Grindstone??
There is no such thing as a quadruple strike. Double strike doesn't stack.
Niv + Curiosity = instakill
Your land base needs a lot of work.
Life Burst instead of Whitesun's Passage
21-40 of 101 items