my only thing is your umbra thing with the goblin doesnt work... because he doesnt go to the "graveyard" he just gets the aura and the damage removed...
I would almost say add in some pacifism's or arrests or cage of hands... or something like ice cage too, the deck looks too "lets exile enemy creatures while i play out a huge offense" and there arent that many control cards, other than only exiling creatures. its less of a field control its more of a monster control while i pound heavy attacks on you. expecially because the majority of your things are exile until a certain time... more cards like cancel or the 4 cards i mentioned earlier could help, i have my own white/blue control that i have, its basically get as many ice cages cage of hands arrests or pacifism's out so i stop all their creatures then use my fliers to hit them and if they try to stop my cards i have my own cancels manaleaks and spells like that. as for 2 cards to lose, you could lose maybe one preordain then maybe some spreading Seas otherwise i dont mind this deck actually so dont take offense to my comments, the deck should do fine, its just not too standard of a deck, but pounding your opponents while they dont have any monsters for that turn is a useful thing, the way i recommended is just more turns, and less opponent monsters/strong monsters coming onto the field later in the game. only deck ive lost to with my friends so far is a token deck, and an elf deck which ive beaten them both, just token deck has more wins than losses vs me.
i dont have any specific tips other than some more monsters, heres my mono blue mill deeck just for an example of extra cards
okay you know what i just thought of a deck worse than this in all seriousness -.- like really? 60 lands=dabes....
@ethanlewis ikr? that decks!!!! @sildiran o shit really? woops added a 0... and @red hot SCREW U ITS STORM CROW HE JUST RAPES
this deck is amazing... the only deck ive seen that beats it is a deck someone wasted their time doing and made it a 1000 card deck on here made of pure storm crows and 20 islands... that deck could beat this im sorry to say other wise this ones pretty good
I find tome scour to be quite a good miller however i will agree with traumatize, wall of air, and the leylines
ummm dark ritual is your only way to get creatures into your graveyard... you have no forests or mountains so only 2 accessable cards and then 16 lands to a 60 card deck is really inneficiant... i dont think this will turn out too well tbh.. i mean yes nice strategy for graveyard based... but not enoug hcards to put them in the graveyard and too many to bring them back then also not enough lands
ANT decks aren't possible then... because black lotus and lotus petal and a lot of other cards on that level are banned from tournament game play....
idk this may help but i know theres a lot of other comments but "Eyeblight's Ending" would be a nice card to destroy enemy creatures... because your ONLY problem with that card would be an elf deck.. :)
only problem with everyone talking about black lotus- the cards been banned FOREVERR!!!! deck looks extremely fun though lol extreme budget.... however probaly an online simulator thats playable online sometime or somewhere you coudl use this on
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