I am updating this list right now. Everything in the main deck section I own. Everything in the sideboard are ones I intend to get soon. When I first started Magic (a whopping 3 weeks ago haha) I went crazy and got an intro deck, a deck tool kit, and some booster packs. I found it so much cheaper buying singles! I especially like tcgplayer.com. I can spend an hour or two finding the right price on things.
How many lands should I carry? And what if I threw in just a smudge of black? I would love to see your black/white deck! And thank you so much for the advice!!!!
I love that card!! Got it cheap, in mint condition, for $10. Worth it!
Is Detention Sphere better than Oblivion Ring? What about Journey to Nowhere?
Thank you! A sneaky way of doing it would be to use Nevinyrral's Disk. It only uses colorless mana b/c it is an artifact. There are other ways of doing it, but I think that might work best (it would also wipe out Detention Sphere and Oblivion Ring). And maybe you want to try running a Darksteel Forge too.
That Ajani Vengeant card is messed up! I love it!
Why not throw in a Day of Judgment, Supreme Verdict, or Wrath of God?
Really grateful to all of you who took the time to comment. Thank you!
I love it! Thank you! I think I am going to make a few different decks. I am having so much fun learning about Magic!
You rock! Thank you! Now I know what I am building!!!
unsure haha. I have a large group of family/friends who are into magic. And they also do some casual games at my local comic shop. I was just figuring I would join them. I had so much fun playing it. I burrowed one of their decks. I actually one 3 of 4 games! Ok, so it was totally luck haha. It also looks like I am making two play styles. Some sort of life link thingy and a control thingy.
Ok. haha. Thank you. Did I make good changes above, or are they really bad? And thank you so much for your help!
I'm thinking of eventually getting more Mind Control and picking up Wurmcoil Engine and Baneslayer Angel. Wouldn't mind more Serra Angels too. But i don't know?
Thank you! I am looking at an online store to buy some magic singles. I really appreciate the input and can't wait to see your link!
So I am looking at single magic cards to buy too. So if anyone has some suggestions, I would appreciate it!
Thank you! I look forward to your additional comments! I have no idea what I'm doing! haha But this game is a lot of fun!
21-36 of 36 items