brittle effigy, im conflicted about it, should i make room for it?
only thing i can think of would be maybe Hunter's Insight over Harmonize for it's instant speed, and it could combo really well with Killer Bees, especially with a Rancor already on it
would u please give me a hand? noone else will.
i put in every altar i have, but i dont own any sakura tribe elders. i agree with what your saying, yavimaya elder is just gonna have to do for the time being so i threw in one more of them thanks for the tips
liked this deck so much i tried to make it, but i didnt end up having all of the cards so i had to improvise, would appreciate it if u could take a look at my version and give me some advice on how to make it meaner
do you know if it lets them tap for every type of mana as well?
wow thanks ive never seen that creature, definently making room for it
nice deck as always, but personally id ditch the 4 prey upon for your sideboarded 4 naturalize, and the 2 boundless realms for 2 overwhelming stampede, and ditch the 2 overrun completely, +1
Garruk's Packleader?
Aetherplasm works nicely in my old kraken deck
i didn't see what was quite going on before u just explained it actually. lol now i just feel kinda dumb that i didn't get the combo, i should try reading lol
I'd lose the soulstoke, in my opinion you dont have enough elementals to REALLY utilize it. I'd add 4 Soulbright Flamekin, they could really accelerate your mana base, leaving you the option to maybe add some beefy red sorcery's, like Fireball, or a beater like flamekin brawler.+1 all the same im a big fan of fire.
Not sure why you have Neurok Invisimancer in here, everythings unblockable aready except for your defender creatures, i think Latch Seeker would be a better option for you.
I'd suggest Murder or Hero's Downfall over Doom Blade if it's possible for you budgetwise.
this isn't for casual tables its for flippin tables, +1
If Crumbling Ashes makes main deck I'd reccommend Tragic Slip, heck even without Ashes it'd still be good.And Blowfly Infestation, once you kill all your opponent's creatures it'll make you target your own so I might take them down to 2 or 3. +1
not sure how much he costs but Death Baron
OhMyGuuurd! just had a wargasm! if I made a suggestion id just mess it up nice deck +1
Another Reforge the Soul would be nice, I know when I play burn I tend to run out of cards, Id consider cutting a Brute Force
21-40 of 174 items