haha no sir if u look at first place RUG or BUG ramp decks they run 27-28 lands if u run cobra because u need a consistant 1-2 land drops a turn at least in addition to all the ramp spells im running i need to be running this many lands to utilize oracle cobra AoZ and baloths
haha its fine this is a pretty trashy deck look at my real turbo fog that this was trying to be type 2 of you cant really make a type 2 turbo fog and the one i have for extended hasent lost yet ^^
i never play land though like ever i play maybe 1 and almost never 2 the deck can run off 0 land u just dredge into putrid imp and stuff like that also if u do eveything in one big swing u dont have the chances of making u block one of ur creatures and like loosing bridges and whatnot
drop the abyssal and add in a wurmcoil u will get much more use out of it also i domt know what to take out for it but id put in 2 jace's ingenuity iv made alot of jace free stuff and u can try and compensate by just draw draw draw jaces ingenuity is just a crazy awesome gas pedal it completely reloads ur hand between that beleren preordain and spreading seas
lol i got titan when he was not even ten and i didnt buy him i traded -.- also vat used to be 2 dollars not even till it got put in the U/B first place and wurmcoil i got from the prerelease and plus they really arent that expensive this is budget as far as im concerned cause it costs not even 80 dollars as apposed to the 340 dollars ud be spending if u made it with jace i mean not like i have a playset of primes any fetchlands and things like that
i feel dumb cause i forgot about gatekeep lol hel go in i think i might keep shade idk
iv tried it out with sun titan hes okay baneslayer is just better though =P
I like that i forgot what ajani did lol
Thought about that but issue is hes only for defense my guys will be big fast i think the shieldmate would slow down the deck a bit
im all game for putting in hard counters but condemn helps sooooo much iv got a u/w that i play with currently and condemn takes care of the titan or wurmcoil without having to kill it dropping removal for counters is kinda silly cause with counters if u draw it while the creature is on the board ur kinda screwed
yah friend of mine chewed me out for wanting to run hard counters with all the ramp being played -.- i told him id give it a whirl so il more than likely add a deprive or rebuttal or 2
this is nasty.... lol.. can you check out this new deck of mine? http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=128964
thank you =] lifegain is just fun lol good way to piss off ur opponent ur at 5 now im at 40
this looks like a type 2 deck so giving him a legacy combo dosent help that much the omens are there to trigger overgrown battlements i think llanowar needs to get dropped for land 22 land is way to little for this deck run 25 26 cause ur going to run out of landfall incredibly fast but overgrown battlements + wall of omens = large amounts of fast mana
I dont see how the battlesphere combo works for myr battlesphere when ur doing all the tapping and untapping with myr galvanizer once you use galvanizer to untap all myrs you control battlesphere's ability has already resolved so you cant continue buffing him that way
iv got more than enough draw =P treasure hunt would put me insanely above max hand limit staggershock is a good idea copying a rebound spell 3 times and have it rebound another 3 times next turn
i like it with the piper and eldrazi lol
i like it
i didnt even think of that =P thanks
yah u gotta make them unblockable before u start pumping the hell out of them ; ) and thank you =] i wanted to use tunneler cause everybody thinks hes a horrible common who dosent see play
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