i think Hymn of Torenach needs to be in here as well as Damnation
drop pyroclasm it just destroys your own deck completely and utterly i run a B/R vampire deck i personally think demon is a sideboard card and u should mainboard tutelage with all the control and ramp in the meta the only time having tutelage main board is bad is when ur playing another B/R vamp deck or a RDW so id go -2 pyroclasm +2 gatekeeper -3 Demon +3 Tutelage the only other things i can suggest is adding in lacerators and mark of mutiny or act of treason main board cause there is no deck that dosent run creatures especiall with colosseus coming it its like okay act of treason colosseus swing game? and its also a removal card cause u take theyre creature swing sac it to seer scry a card so if u wanna put act or mark main board id drop 2 arc trails for um and for lacerators maybe unholy strength idk
True conviction is a bad idea cause its way to expensive to drop u will almost never see 6 land with this deck or 6 mana u will normally only reach 3-4
might slide him in but im not a huge fan of oxid ridge cause hes a 4/2 battle cry for 4 and his effect is meh =/ itd be alot better if creatures of converted mana cost 1 or less couldent block
thats all i have to say as well lol
My friend had a burn deck that went relatively quick u might wanna try out Hells Thunder and Goblin Guide is awesome
Sure i can do that and yah grave titan is irritating -.- didnt build Mono Black Control till go for the throat came out black can now kill titan
Thanks ^^ can use some tweaking
i would play him if he was standard legal hed fit perfect in this deck i might drop some callers or something for copperhorn scout but i like seeing at least 1 caller each game cause with the amount of mana i have available u can kick him alot and its game deciding
id considered nissa i might want to put her sideboard i dont need to run nissa's chosen but gaining 24 life a turn dosent sound too bad =P
yah elves lol they all just tap for mana the advantage the one drop creatures is u pitch them with shaman or u use them for just tons of mana or consistant vengevine ressurection also i dont think the card u mentioned is type 2 im unfarmiliar with that card in standard
-2 day cause this deck dies to day why run a card that kills your own deck and just slows you down -2 kitesail +4 squadron hawk
the card ur thinking of is Shared Discovery its a common in eldrazi i like to call it bad Ancestral Recall lol
i dont understand this deck at all how do you get infinite damage? haakan says you lose 2 life when hes put into the graveyard and the altar gives u one mana everytime u sac something so u sac haakan for 1 mana and loose 2 life?
i would except i have all of these cards and i cant get ahold of primes lol been accumulating fetches and cobras over the past few weeks
Um ravenous trap u use anyways its ability makes it cost 0 but another good one is Nihil Spellbomb
Yah i could do that the side board was just something i threw together im not good with making sideboards for green lol
lol you checked a turbo fog but it was a jank type 2 turbo fog >.< turbo fog is extended lol i tried to make it type 2 it didnt work well
Thank you =] would u mind taking a quick look at my extended turbo fog deck? http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=130409
yah i can build a deck with liege but if i do i put that enchantment that makes my lands indestructible cause its really scary once u animate them to have somebody go day?
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