Given you've taken a turn in modern... here's my suggestions.Electrickery and Weapon surge are not necessary.I'd recommend that you go for spells such as- Assault Strobe - Grants double strike for a single Red mana- Fling - A good response to removals that punishes heavily.Delver isn't a bad choice, but if you feel like keeping your theme, try Wee Dragonaut. Similar to your other two friends.
If you drop guttersnipe on turn 3, you're gonna have a bad time.
I'm honestly not sure about soul ransom.. And Lazav doesn't really help you with the milling.Here's some card you should really think about adding:Nephalia Drownyard (a land that will mill you extra)Thought Scour (mill 2 and draw for 1, almost too good to be true)so here's my take:-2 island-1 swamp-2 Lasav-2 soul ransom+3 Nephalia drownyard+4 Thought scourI would also recommend you splash white for sphinx and supreme verdict (possibly terminus too)But that's a different story!
On T4 it's possible to have thrag and zeg. Might not happen often, but it's still a possibility. You can even miss a land drop.T1 Elf T1 Elf T2 Archdruid T2 Elf 2 T3 Thrag T3 Thrag T4 Zeg T4 ZegI don't have 4 Zeg, it's not meant to be the spine of the strategy, I'll still consider it much more dependable than a fathom mage. I'm not saying you're wrong to think Zegana is bad, but until she enters as a 1/1 which only net me one card several times (which I doubt is going to happen often) then I'll just side it. Either the Zameck or the Fathom.Granted Fathom lets you draw often, but only if she survives. Zegana does it once as an ETB and fills the hand like crazy.I mean, I can keep an eye on open mana, I can tell which spells can be played in response, I won't drop her recklessly.Thank you for your suggestions though, don't take it personal, I'm just the kind of guy that sets my eyes on shiny cards and likes to learn the hard way, gives me a better understanding on stuff. :)
You have good suggestions, to be honest. But fathom mage? I can't play that. With the tests I had, she's leaving my open for strong swings (especially T4) it feels she's really only worth it if I have a biomancer on the field, then I'd feel she's not so slow. Wouldn't it be more favorable to drop a biomancer when i hit 4 mana, then a thraggy when I hit 5 and ultimately a zegana instead of a fathom mage when i hit 6 the next turn?Bracers sounds good if I had multiple activated abilities other than zameck. Mana abilities does not work, so I can't really use it.It feels like I have to have the same situation as thrag and zeg. I don't really see how it can be better, but I'm open for testing, and I will definitely try it out.
I won't be using increasing savagery, it's a bit too easy to counter. Blessings of nature would be preferable in my case, splitting the counters sounds about lovely.Gyre sage sounds lovely. I think he's going to be the two drop of the deck if I find which card I should be taking out.
Yeah, you made me realize that without my elf, i'm in for a world of hurt.But then again, the spears and unsummons are there for that very purpose.Got any suggestions?
Clan Defiance is there for that purpose, so is bonfire.Primespeaker is pretty great actually. Have you tested her? With thraggy it makes it VERY hard to deny.It's a body and card advantage, which I like. I'll take out clones that for sure, probably going to sideboard against some Geist of hexproof.I'm taking the 2drop into account here, I wonder if zameck's really all worth it since in early phases he's hard to use for it's abilities. And I'm positive to use him with Zegana
I think it's not that the thrag deck is better, it's just a harder matchup.
needs more storm crows.
what the.. You can't play Silverblade, knight of glory, Ajani's Sunstriker, lingering souls and Knight of Infamy with Heartless summoning! Your knights will die, Silverblade and Sunstriker won't had their mana cost reduced optimally, your lingering souls will die! That won't do at all, you should replace your useless creatures with control oriented cards, like removals.
you don't need thragtusk, you don't need wolfir silverheart. You absolutely want to play Kessig Cagebreakers and Gnaw the Bones. You could also splash black for Spider Spawning and Grisly Salvage.
The major problem I see in your deck is your draw power. Basically, your draw spells will make you draw dead weights that you can't play because of their massive mana cost. Also, your augur of bolas might get you a un-miracled spell. The same goes with Izzet Draw/Discard. Have you tested it? It looks very vulnerable without any strong early play or planeswalker.
You can get rid of the enchantment, but that lotleth will be back as a 2/1. So you're not winning that trade. Same goes for any exile effects. You can try regenerating a troll,from a tragic slip, but it's toughness will still be 0 until end of turn, then will be sent to graveyard after the regeneration. -1/-1 effect does that. Unsummon makes you slower, with your build it makes you even slower. I'm saying that pumping your creature takes ressources. And it takes MUCH less effort to make you start over. Your deck is fine, but not really competitive quality.
O-Ring, D-Sphere, Unsummon, Azorius Charm, Dramatic Rescue, Fiend Hunter, Mutilate, Tragic Slip. So many ways to stop this deck. Unless you play against G/R, it doesn't look like a very efficient deck.
Notice that Megrim is worth it's additional mana, while it's mostly situational, Megrim deals damage to that player. Lilliana's Caress makes them lose life. Difference? While damage dealt can be prevented, it can also be redirected to damage other planeswalker.
Well, You might wanna get this deck down to 60 cards first. I'm not exactly sure what you want this deck to do other than detaining. One thing for sure, lose the following cards: Azor's Elocutor - They don't fit in your deck, getting the counters to win are VERY unlikely to happen. Isperia's Skywatch - 6 drop for a measly 3/3 and a single creature detain? Not worth it, might as well run more Isperia, Supreme judge, then again, there are better spells. Skymark Roc - They're pretty awesome in limited but in constructed it's a very different story. You'll see when someone drops a thragtusk. Because everyone plays that. Dramatic Rescue - There are better unsummon spells. Like Unsummon. You'll see that one mana can make THAT much a difference. Then again, there's cyclonic rift that I find more fitting, it also targets permanent. But I'm guessing you only put those to save your own creatures and drop them again for extra detain. I see you're running Terminus and Supreme Verdict. Why? Do you want to wipe your own creatures? If you plan to detain, you're going to need some creatures to fight back. Terminus isn't fit for your deck either, i would rather run supreme verdict twice if you still wanna keep the board wipes. Faerie Imposter - Looks great on paper when it bounce an arrester back in your hands but the moment you get your only creature removed, it's gone as well, not a risk worth taking since the result isn't all that great either. Azorius Justiciar - Not worth the mana, even if it detains two. New Prav Guildmage - I'm not sure if it's worth detaining for 5 mana. I guess it could use some playtesting. Righteous Authority - the moment you play it, your creature will die. it's a strong card, but 5 mana isn't worth the risk. Then again, if it stays on board, it's crazy stupid strong on an unblockable creature. *Assuming you have the money* You want 4 restoration angel for sure. They're your main threat, hard to deal with because of that awesome 4 toughness. I also suggest the sublime archangel, it's lovely if it gets to attack alone. Get 4 detention sphere or add Oblivion Ring, it rids other detention sphere. Tamiyo is worth giving some thoughts into. She's a blast. Might as well play Jace too. There's some more tweaking, i mean, alot of tweaking to do to get a perfect curve and stuff. Detain is a good mechanic, but sadly, right now it's a bit weak.
Have you considered novablast wurm? it's great, also.. there's phyrexian ingester you can use to exile other creatures and make him massive buff.
If you wanna add a fog... there's terrifying presence that will trigger wild defiance on a creature. That's something worth looking into.
Do not play delver if you plan on having 12 sorcery/instant, the same goes with guttersnipe and nivmagus elemental. And Electromancer. Sadly. Try and take out at least the nivmagus elemental and add spells I suggest taking the land count to 22-23. if you hit 20 spell, that would be decent.
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