Yes, you are sending distractions to cover up that today's the 26th and you are having a delayed transmission because I intercepted it last time.But, since the transmission is set to be at 20:22 you are obviously just throwing up flak in the Hope's that I start looking for stuff among it. I've also noticed that views have been fixed again, which sort of hints at something I've suspected for a while.Please refine your methods, and stop throwing up spam and alts, it's obviously not working and eventually I've collected enough incidents to go to the danish authorities. I can play it out from several angles, telling the police that's it's prison communication and telling the military that it's spy communications.So refine your methods, and spam less...Here's an out of the box idea that I've used myself a few times.One account, several people.All you need to do is to share one account, then you can write stuff in decks with a minimum of codespeak (just in case the owner is looking at the contents) all you need to do is to transmit the damn password to the account.Then you wouldn't have to spam day and night to cover it up.One account.Noone can intercept it but the owner, and let's face it, he can't spot you the way I can.I've also noticed the increased use of accounts with "an" in them. Switching from rn to an doesn't fool me.So, are you gonna use the "brb" excuse again this time ?I did also get from "ight" that it's going to be a jeskai deck that holds the message, so ight, you might want to post another deck with a corridor monitor in it :)
Nope, not yet, have been overworked, sleep deprived and testing games with some old friends.Caw-gate, I'll have to see that :)
Testing is important :)Enough tests and you'll be playing like you ride a bicycle.
Only one corridor monitor ?I'd think there were more.
It's a nice pick(let)Winnie hasn't been printed yet in my oppinion as he should be a red bear, but for some reason wotc don't deal with red bears. They've got blue bears, but no red ones.Maybe they fear stepping on some russian ideology with red bears?Mountain grizzly, crag bear, cliffcrawling nandi, baloo terror of the ravine...The theme is obvious there, but untouched.Volcanic bear, lightning bear, flame bear (ooh, flamebear would be epic)And then blood and honney would be a real deck, cause winnie the pooh is sort of tied to red...He's a cave bear...
It's something I'll keep in mind myself, that's for sure.
Okay, here's some news...Winnie the pooh is now public domain...The horror movie "blood and honney" has already been announced, and from what I've seen, the mask from the movie is likely to be mass produced.Winnie the pooh and piglet decides to go maniacal after being abbandonned by Jacob.I look forward to a chase scene through the 100 yard forest :)So... Blood and honney as a deck. Grull, golgari or jund ?
Condemn.The games I had recently against modern with my own "near pauper" design were easier against path to exile, so I looked up for alternatives, and condemn has actually seen play in modern, supporting or replacing path to exile, and I thought about what matchups would be the worst against path. The answer, decks with stuff like birds of paradise or noble hierarch. Against those you basically have no effect, you only increase their fetch effect. This made me think. In some matchups path to exile is basically 4 dead cards, so what do decks like death and taxes do to fight ramp ? This might be the key to why death and taxes has some issues with ramp like decks, and I recall that I've never seen a sideboard where I was like "oh, this must be against ramp"
Sorry, I was talking modern:)
I actually started thinking a lot about path to exile yesterday.It turns out that a few bunch of people had a small period during 2017-2019 where another card was used a lot more. I wonder what drove the meta.
Yes it's consider.Don't think of it as a selfmill, think of it as a short range fetch card :)Some cards can be pretty hard to judge.I used to be a huge fan of surgical extraction until I ran a damn big project to follow the exact impact of the card.Some cards become mainstream and are damn hard to disprove as bad.For example I'm running a really large project with low mana at the moment, and whenever I meet something with path to exile things get easier.I've always suspected the card of being bad, but it's a whole different ballgame to prove it.
When I was younger the "datamatics education" was centered about a calculation spreadsheet.While everyone else used it to create a versatile "home economy" model I used it to produce a small primitive animation. A man going to the library, grabbing a book and leaving again.My interest in economy back then was not what it is today, but I certainly used the framework of that program to produce something that was above the rest of the class, and at the same time way below what the course intended to produce. That course was intended for office workers, not programmers, and I was very much a programmer.The Danish government really flunked edb back then.
You actually seem to be working on it, because I see some changes within it already. (Since yesterday)There are rebound spells in both white and blue that fits the theme, both spells costing 1 so they are actually way better than staggering shock.Theres also a rather new card that is similar to opt, but can put things into the graveyard, and it will obviously be good at putting flashback in the graveyard, building up a storage of spells while improving your draws. At least that's how it could be used, but it will rely on just how many flashbacks you cram into the deck. Can't remember the name but people's been talking about it outside of mtgvault.
You know what I love about the vault ?Just like I can build a computer using paperstrips, mtgvault itself can be usedAs a sort of paperstrip engine, because frankly all it is, is an unlimitedly large piece of paper that can be segmented, and the art of shuffling such a machinery gets a little complicated, but it's the same principle.For me, mtgvault is very much a program that I can build on and improve and use to measure "stuff"Sure, people seem to have a hard time grasping the papermodel even though it's been proving itself pretty often, so I absolutely don't expect people to see how the framework of my "vault computer" is tied together.But here I am, using the frames of mtgvault to design a computer within a program.Sure, it's a little more clunky than an actual computer program, and just as I have to rewrite the paperstrips to reprogram things, I have to rewrite certain parts of my vault version of a computer.I love that this is a possibility.In a way, you've been trying for a while to do the same thing at an unconscious level with your "own projects" and in a way, I love that too. Here we are, programming within the same architectural framework with our own agendas. It's "sweet".I guess there's a difference in how we program within this setup, as I rarely see you work on a sort of infrastructure the way I model mine.I mean, using the search engine to search for specific keywords, that "command" can be used to "call up" specific lines of programming sort of like asking a real computer to show you exactly the parts of the programs you want to modify. Ofcourse in here this command often shows you the lines entered by others. The majority of lines in this meta computer are just lists (of decks ofcourse)But I use that feature to both study the "troll" architecture and to refine some pretty powerfull tools of my own making.That's the thing.There are humans that design machinery, humans that produce copies of machinery and sometimes successfully alter them, and then there are those who just use the machines and those who prefer other machines.It's a hierarchy of skills.I love that this place can contain all that :)
It will be a pretty rare event of course. A bigger creature might be the better trade, and if they have reanimate you might want to reanimate their stuff.But apart from that, I like the card, and it hints at the secret of tormod, whatever that is :)
I've become quite fond of tormod's cryptkeeper.In a deck where you reanimate, you can actually opt to reanimate the cryptkeeper to fight other reanimate decks.
Guess that makes you a "mod" nordthy, ha ha.A "tor-mod" :)
We're both right :)If the deck can kill before they start to conflict, then there is no problem.But in fringe games where the game drags on forever there will be a conflict.The way I'm built, a longterm problem is a problem because there will be long games eventually, but I get that this will be a rare event.Totally unrelated, has anyone thought of building a "paw-blade" deck?We got caw-blade, and the name of light-paws just screams "do the damn pun..."
Invoke justice would certainly beef up any of the lifelinkers.Martyr is a decktype where you just keep resetting the board while gaining life enough to survive to the next reset.It's a style where you want to hoard random white cards in the hand and get more and more Plains on the board.I'm pretty sure guilescape can find some room within the design, and flirting with blue gives you supreme verdict to toy with.
I think if you based the deck more on martyr designs, with a few ways to cheat guile into play (late to dinner) you could amass cards in hand, then discard guile and have it and do escape as a second wincon.I think I've got a 2018 martyr decklist on mtgvault, if not I can certainly list it. Martyr deals with the board with lots of wrath of god which could be usefull.
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