No love for Sengir, eh?
Also, I see you face my predicament as well. How in the nine rings of hell, does one plan to deal with ANT decks?
The fork of DEATH lives! Good to see a nice Zoo deck up and about, I'd thought they died alongside Dredge.
I usually get slapped when I say this so, I'm glad to have a chance to say it without; Boop! First up it's a cruel little MBC, and followed by a very amusing Countertop Progenitus. Also, I agree with surewhynot, this is a REALLY good deck.
Now this is just plain NASTY. Have you considered splashing for some enchantment hate though? A turn 0 Leyline of Sanctity is just cruel against decks such as this.
It's like the wolves of willoughby chase, and Hermy had sick twisted spawn, and it ate everybody's face off
Countersquall and Perplex? Now you're just being mean to people.
Should probably consider Ascetisism, maybe it's just my area, but ping and MWC seem to be making a comeback.
EGADS BAT-MAN! I'm slightly staggered by how much power that adds to an already dangerous deck.
I never thought I'd find treefolk menacing... I now regret this.
Oh you're evil, it's fantastic!
I've seen this idea before, but mostly with goats, WW, and eldrazi spawn. Must say I like it a lot better in an actual deck, especially with the inclusion of Steel of the Godhead.
I must say, I really enjoy this deck. I've seen some decks like this, but never quite fully competent... I am happy to say this would quite firmly end my little spree of pingers and sacs, if only I had a budget for ME during this season... Oh well, no use wishing the impossible, 8.3/10!
Hoho! Math powers; ACTIVAAATE! I've seen(and used) such math in other decks, but it's alarming how well it goes in stompy. It's also pretty amusing in ye olden zombies. Overall this is quite an amazing deck, however being the mill minder I am, I again warn of the dreaded Mind Funeral+Dralnu, Lich Lord combination. 9/10, Because mill is stupidly popular in my areas of play.
My soul just bled from the mana burn.
Combine with Royal Assassin so you always win against bant :D
That(alongside the lost skeleton of cadavera) made my day a bit better.
Damage, why did you leave my wonderous stack? Sacrifice decks had been the ultimate form of battlefield command! I've been trying to make my group return to mana burn, and this new confangled Flesh Allergy seems to make them consider it, but the most damage I would ever take from mana burn would be about three.
I see your point, and agree. However I don't own Curiosity, and I enjoy making it nigh impossible for me to wind up not getting a collar.
Stuffy in Izzet is just cruel, I love it! Thought; Perhaps throwing in some trinket mages to search the basilisk collar, or blades?
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