But I can get them out as early as turn 2, that happened 3 out of the 17 times, and turn 3 usually happens (11 times).
I pretty much always have a fatty in my hand, but I still might want to be able to get it that betrays more. Should I maybe add in Entomb and take out a couple of Kozilek? I wouldn't need to have that in if I could just tutor Betrays into my graveyard.
I ran through 20 games, and over 17 of the games I got out a fatty on turn 3(3.245), while the other three were mull to 4 without drawing good cards(dead draws). So that is fairly quick. I also feel like I am not too worried about removal against me because I probably will eventually get another animate card. Thanks, that's stuff to think about. I only wish Emrakul wasn't so expensive!
Do you think I need creature removal?
Nevermind the wording on darksteel and progenitus makes it impossible with them.
Thanks, I guess that would work for anything, emrakul or progenitus or darksteel collossus. That's a great idea.
Hey, cool deck. I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me out. I just built a Necromancy Deck (http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=120371), that can get out eldrazi turn 2, but I feel as though it is too one dimensional. You have found a way to ramp while keeping somewhat versatile, and I was hoping you might have some tips, thanks!
Ouch just realized the cost of Sharpshooter and Piledriver, need to substitute!
Thanks, that looks better!
Is that good? Should I add one more of each and take out two of something else?
What scepters? There are a lot, and I don't see how any I found could help me. Thanks!
There we go, subbed them in and it looks better, thanks!
There you go, added a bit of proliferate!
Yes first deck on upcoming list!
And thanks for the feedback!
Do you mean Strands of Night? They are like $0.25 on starcitygames. And of course I'm not casting them! I discard them then bring them back to the battlefield.
Should I throw in a couple of doom blades in exchange for something? I feel like I could use that to deter flyers and such until I get out Eldrazi.
How do you ever play dark steel collossus or progenitus if they just go back into your library instead of the graveyard
41-58 of 58 items