is a link to my One-Turn-Win Dredge deck, with an explanation how they work. This deck works almost the same, but a little bit slower, and without mana.But to give a very quick answer:Dredge decks work by dredging cards to the graveyard (instead of drawing you mill an amount of cards) Then you pay mana-less costs and activate go to the graveyard abilities.
How do you start the dredge engine?
People will kill Krenko the moment he hits the board. And you will generate TONS of hate when you play him. And people donĀ“t want to kill Homura, or else all your creatures get +2/+2 and flying! (and firebreathing for TONS OF DAMAGE) So that way you have a strong general to kill your opponents with, and when he's death, all hell breaks lose.
Drop Corpsjack and make it mono green. He only works with the Ooze, and thats not enough *increasing Savagery doesn't count) Then put some more stompy creatures in it.-Khalni Hydra & Primalcrux, the are a great combo-Dungrove Elder & Allosaurus Rider2 Vorinclex are more then enough, and maybe put some stuff in it to search for creatures and lands faster.
Steamflogger Boss. A Future Sight Card, so it is legal in Modern... useless card!
Just advice, trim it down to only 3-2 colours. That way you have more then 1 of some allies. It really helps and boosts them.
Why don't you have Springjack Pasture?
If you want to attack with your walls, you can better replace Shifting Wall with Warmonger's Chariot.
I guess it is quicker because it doesn't has the minimum amount of 60 cards in the deck?
There is a land that can transform in to an ape ;) try adding that one.
Make it mono-green, get Overgrown Battlement. Maybe Sapling of Colfenor. :)
I guess this is standard? Stompy: Creatures with a mana cost lower then their power. So atleast drop Vorinclex and get to 60 cards.
Nice deck, but I should cut 4 cards if I were you. 60 is still better. Here is my mono-red Giant deck, you might get some idea's from it:
Perfect hand: Lion's Eye Diamond, Breakthrough, randomland and any card with the dredge ability. Turn 1: -Play land, play Lion's Eye Diamond. -Play Breakthrough for only 1 mana, chain by activating Lion's Eye Diamond -Discard your hand thanks to Lion's Eye Diamond. -Breakthrough's effect goes in. But instead of drawing 4 cards, you may dredge 4 cards from your graveyard. (so on everage you put >20-30 cards from your deck into your graveyard) after that your discard your 4 dredged cards back to the graveyard. -If you're combo isn't finished you play Deep Analysis from your graveyard (using the mana from Lion's Eye diamond) and instead of drawing 2 cards, you dredge to cards. That is an average of an extra 10-20 cards too your graveyard. -At this moment you should have a huge change to have 3 Narcromoeba's on the field (instead of sending them from the deck to the graveyard they get on the field) -You also have 3-4 Bridge from Below in your graveyard. -You activate Dread's Return flashback cost. Sacrificing your 3 Narcromoeba's. You return a flamekin zealot to the field. -Thanks to the Bridge from Below. you get 3-4 zombies for each Narcromoeba you sacrifice. That is 9-12 zombies. -And thanks to Flamekin Zealot your zombies get +1/+1 and haste. -You attack with 9-12 3/3 Zombies. Turn 2: There is no turn two... And that is how a dredge deck works :)
Sadistic Glee Ultimate combo for Ghave :D
What about cycle lands btw? Aren't they much better and faster then just discarding with Tireless Tribe?
If you are playing a lot of artifacts, you might be able to use Glissa, the Traitor? To get some artifacts back from your graveyard? And mabe Geth, Lord of the Vault? 'cause he has almost the same ability as the sisters?
What about a Distorton Strike for some more Unblockable effects?
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