i may have just jizzedand sounds good to me love:)
It won't be like teir 2 or anything, but it could win.You will lose to aggro decks like affinity, infect, boggles and mer.I say you should give it a shot before you change anythign else.Findout what match ups are the worst and then come back for helpits really hard saying without results.
You don't need to worry too much for blood moon, not every deck runs it and you do have answers for it.I just wouldn't go tapping out on their turn 3:P(post board)
I just realised that retraction helix on midnight guard + orni is an infinite combo lol
we should get 2 things of kd because thats insane lol.shopping spree?:P
you should be fine as you have decay and mana leak.I would try to add a basic swamp you can fetch for when facing a deck that could run blood moon.
All of them.The onslaught ones are reprinted in a couple weeks.and the zendikar ones will be printed in 6 months when the 3rd set of khans block "codename Louie" is released.The set will probably be called "Dragons of Tarkir" as that was trademarked by wizards a bit back.The reason we know that the zendikar ones will be reprinted is because wizards has stated multiple times that they will no longer ever print a 5 card duo colour land cycle anymore. From now on they will only do all the 2 colour combinations.
you being happy is all i want:)I should be off at 5<3 so see you after your appointment :D
The idea of running pack rat is so that you don't need to run waste not.You have given up all your removal for either pack rater or waste not.In pack rat lists you generally only need 2 removal spells( I prefer victim)
I love you too<3I will always be here, nothign will ever change that.
i need a free sac outlet for this to work -_-
its really fine love<3 I'm just happy i got to spend the night with you<3
so far the only thing i can think of would be to use Grim Haruspex with some kind sac outlet 0-1 drops and Purphoros.It's worth a shot:P
That would probably be a lot better.I mean vault is a fine card, just not here:P
That one is actually one I have been looking into. With engineer and servant you can get it out a lot sooner.Also you can put ensoul artifact on it and your opponent has to choose if they want to take 5 or give you an extra turn.I also have been looking at that ghostfire blade as it basically costs 1 to play 1 to equip.I feel Kurkesh is too cute for standard, though I'm sure he can be broken easy in commander.Thanks for the input good sir.
lol only on cod.I wouldn't call magic rage quiting as I was going to play more.I mean 3/5 hands not having a single land in them doesnt happen. then not drawing a land card 4 turns later is even more fun.
lol i dont rage quit often at anything
I warn you I am not the best at that game:P yeah well i mean for two people to play it on one console its 10$ per person so really not too bad:P
yep, zendikar ones will be reprinted in Louie.
lol i think minecraft is too expensive at 20$:P
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