narcolepsy > ice cage Mana Leak... not haunting echoes as much...
just run 26 lands, and A LOT of mana acceleration. because with 50 lands, it means you have to wait 50 turns to get them all out, while with 26 lands only 26, BUT if you have mana acceleration, then that 26 turns gets lowered greatly and more cards can be shoved in where the other 24 lands would have been.
Also, dont bother with the looter: Sea Gate Loremaster is better and Scroll Thief is a great drawer. Merrow Harbringer is also a good search card. Possible Adds: Silvergill Douser Merfolk Seastalkers merfok Spy Streambed Aquitects Wanderwine Prophets Merfolk Skyscout
No ice cage, Narcolepsy is better, and run less of those counters that are soft. run more Negate and Essence Scatters. Merfolk Sovereign, silvergill adept... DEFINATELY lullmage mentor... you know what, just look at my merfolk deck and my control deck... cause if i were to list all the improvements you could make here, my comment would be CRAZY long... not to be mean.
Go more Jace's Erasure, Memory Erosion, traumatize, haunting echoes, glimpse the unthinkable, tomb scour, hedron crab, and grind clock. Screw out the Distortion strike, unsummon, dispel, negate, doom blade, duress, rise from the grave, telepathy, all the creatures except nemesis of reason and echo mage, and all the artifacts. Try also doing a Quest for Ancient Secrets to replenish your deck of millers. So far youve made a deck that is trying to do too much. focus on milling.
try telling why its awful? but yeah. so far this deck is more focused on half milling them, half killing them, and half control... not going to work...
go less on the lands. MORE MANA ACCELERATION Grab 4x Prophetic Prism TONS of green cards that give mana acceleration and artifacts such as Cultivate Explore Growth Spasm Birds of Paradise Walking Atlas Khalni Gem etc. If you plan on playing non-standard, Prismatic Omen is a definite.
very nice. If you could pull off a combo with Sage of Lat-Nam, then i will be impressed.
Traumatize Haunting Echoes Memory Erosion Tome Scour Mind Funeral Glimpse the Unthinkable Nemesis of Reason Forced Fruition I dont know how many are in standard (as of now, since they used to be before Oct. 1) , but i know all are in extended... hope this helps!!
Dont bother with 4x Traumatize. if you manage to pull off one at the start, their deck turns from 60 to 30, then the second one brings it to 15. anything past that is pretty much useless. run 2x of it, then run draw cards coupled with Jace's Erasure. Those howling mines (if all 4 on the field) coupled with erasure means 5 cards a turn milled. Definitely Add: Jace's Erasure Hedron Crab Grind Clock And for Extended Formats: Forced Fruition
thats not in extended it it?
you should probably have no halimar depths because it comes into play tapped. if you want to run 8 searching lands, you need basic lands and non-basic ones that come into play not tapped.
Fabricate is better than reshape by far.
Im guessing your win condition is through damage/using those counters to creatue a mega Arcbound Crusher. Add Steady Progress and Inexorable Tide. They use the new Proliferate Ability and DEFINATELY will speed up this deck. Mana Leak or Stoic Rebuttal should be used instead of Muddle the Mixture, and Fabricate to search you deck. Dont bother with the Darksteel Reactor unless you know a way to get a multi-counter add combo working. The Sculpting Steel also is sort of pointless. The Fabricate would be more worth it. Also, since you have only 2-4 mana cards, you can safely run 20 lands (take out two more islands)
Fact or Fiction works better than Gifts Ungiven since it has a chance of giving you an extra card for the same mana. Definitely add Mana Leak into this deck for counters since it is a great bomb hoser and early counter. Call to Mind is a nice card to add since it brings back a spell from your graveyard. As defenders, Guard Gomazoa and/or Wall of Frost are must haves as they can block almost anything. probably swap an Echoing Truth for a fourth Into the Roil since most people wont have that many repeats on the field at once (they either get killed off or are too minuscule to really bother you) To speed up the Surrakar Spellblades or Jaces, add Steady Progress into the sideboard if you want more counter-generating. A cool combo could be Merfolk Lullmage + Wanderwine Prophets.
Contagion engine is a late game card as it is. that should be his "if i dont kill them before i get this card out, this card will kill them" its like a game finisher if its not going well.
use font of mythos + howling mine + Spellbook if you want to mill them through Jace's Erasure. in which case go red/blue mill-runeflare and have runeflare trap as your alternate win condition.
keep the echo mages. they are usefull to couple with call to mind and tome scour. run 2 traumatize, and run a Memory Erosion. every time your opponent casts a spell, they mill 2. Also, splash black through cards like Haunting Echoes, memoricide, Mind Funeral, Nemesis of Reason, Psychic Drain, Painful Quandary (as backup win con.) and/or Inexorable Tide to speed up your Jace. Try running Grind Clock. Definately run cards that tap for multiple mana, or creature/artifact mana generators. They will help bring that Keening Stone out quick. Partial Mana Acceleration: nemesis of reason coupled with Explorer's Scope, and have a Walking Atlas. Tap walking atlas, play an additional land from your hand, attack with Nemesis (mills 10) then you have a chance of getting another land onto the field.
Cast through time is a bit too late game for your deck. Burn, no matter how much control is added, will always be an early game deck. That means anything past 5 mana cost is too far down the road. You want to have Burn spells that are 1 - 3 mana, 2 mana control spells, and only 20 - 22 lands. Unless you have a way to get some mana ramp, you dont need those 3 highcost cards in your deck. prophetic Prism. You only play two colours so you dont really need that. Secondly, you dont need 26 lands. 24 is fine to support your deck as it is. No need for mana fixing Swap cancel for either Deprive or Mana Leak, Arc Blade for Searing Blaze, dont need Chandra Ablaze. you should win before that comes out.
Guard gomazoa can be killed by spells. it only prevents COMBAT damage. this deck doesnt deal combat damage.
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