ehhh, good combo, but i would change the deck by taking out any of the unused green cards and swapping them for more tutoring and control (that way you can get the combo out faster) most of that deck is unnecessary if you want that combo to win you the game. Swap out as many cards as you can and replace them with cheap blockers like Steel Wall, Kraken Hatchling, Wall of Tanglecord, and grab as much mana acceleration as you can (llanowar elves, myrs, etc.). you might also want to invest in some creatures with good card draw when they die (Runed Servitor?)
umm this is an EDH deck... its a 100 card singleton deck... as for card draw, i have enough. Divination, Minds Aglow, Vision Skeins, Prophetic Bolt, Ponder, Preordain, Jace`s Ingenuity, Jace Beleren, and more are pure draw while some of my others force me to cycle my hand. this deck has enough card casting that the cards that force me to discard and redraw should play to my advantage (i might discard 2 cards and then draw 7)
thanks for the suggestions! If i do go up against a graveyard based deck, im not too worried: they need their spells, which are already in the graveyard. And if they do play some, there should be enough control in there to slow them down until i win. We start with 40 life after all. I dont really care what they have in their graveyard: it cant really affect me anymore except in very special circumstances. and yeah Circu is the general. ik the 3rd ability is kinda useless but its first 2 will be very good.
For burn, try aiming for cheapest things you can. So lightning bolts, Shocks, Galvanic Blasts, etc. and add some Howling Mines or the like to get some card draw and burn going. For control, the new Vapor Snag and Psychic Barrier offer a very nice protection and ping for some damage too. I would leave that to about all the control. You wont need much when your burning close to 5-7 damage a turn.
If this is burn, dont include any cards above 4 mana cost. I would go Gelectrode and Wee Dragonauts as your only creatures along with 2 Niv Mizzets. Cerebral Vortex and Molten Psyche would be your main damage dealing cards along with the Vision Skeins + Runeflare trap combo. This keeps both you and your opponent`s cards cycling so your opponent cant get a hold while you just keep getting fresh cards. Niv Mizzet + Curiosity = Instant win combination. You just enchant Niv, tap him to draw a card then deal 1 damage to draw another card to deal 1 more... etc. And you wont mill yourself out sicne it is a `may`effect so just stop whenever. If you use Chandra`s Spitfire and the Niv doesnt kill ur opponent, you should be able to pump the spitfire to a healthy 22/3 flier. Any burn deck needs Lightning bolt. no question. Also use the new Vapour snag for some small pinging as control. the most of your worries are creatures so just use Psychic barrier to stop them and do a nice ping.
I would lean towards Jace's Erasure and Memory Erosion rather than the artifacts. I would also try using Reckless Scholar + Liliana's Caress as a nice mill/discard/damage combo for the times when they have no cards in hand.
The artifacts i remove since there really is no need for them. Spells can do a more reliable job milling. The monster i swapped in (Nemesis of Reason) is not meant for attacking unless there is a clear open space, other than that a good 7 toughness is made to protect you from harm. And if it does attack, it removes a nice large chunk of cards from the first hit, and doesnt need to wait a few. Thrummingbird is useless. proliferate would only work on 2 cards and those two are ont the most efficient cards to mill with. Wheel and Deal i respect, except lets say i have 2 cards in hand and you do it to me. i instantly have an arsenal of cards ready to use against you... again. Not a safe choice. ADDITIONS: Forced Fruition. This is preferable to Wheel and Deal since its whenever they cast a spell they draw 7, limiting them to cast once a turn or be forced to discard obscene amounts of their hand. The Beleren since.. its Beleren, Erasure and Erosion since it basically gives a constant millage thats reliable, Twincast since its cheaper and can be sent out earlier, which is better. Tome Scour + Twincast = Devastating at turn 3. Glimpse the Unthinkable + Twincast = 20 card millage at turn 4. Echo mage is useful only at turn 4, not earlier and by turn 4 youve tapped out most mana to level it up. Glimpse the Unthinkable is in there... well its like a double Tome Scour. Your deck after swapping out cards will only need 20 lands to support it seeing as everything will be quite cheap.
OK, so if youre playing Extended, i would suggest taking out ALL the artifacts, Thrummingbird, Wheel and Deal, and Traumatize. Traumatize is useless. if you play against a 60card deck and put it out first turn( wow), you mill at most 26 cards. leaving 27, put it out next time you mill 13, etc. it just gets not worth its cost after the first use. I would add in Forced Fruition (x2) for late game ending, 1 more Jace Beleren. 2 more Jace's Erasure, 2 more Memory Erosion, Swap ALL echo mage for Twincast, add Glimpse the Unthinkable (x4), and add 2 Nemesis of Reason. Then i would just throw in a Elixer of Immortality for the lols.cLastly, swap out the drowner initiates for more Sanity Grinding and Mind Funeral. For lands, have only 20. I suggest Halimar Depths (x2 to x4), Sunken Ruins (x4), and Drowned Catacombs (x4), and then just only Islands, or throw in 0x to 2x swamps, but keep it at 20 lands,
First duel done: the Caress + Scholar combo dealt devastating damage. The leyline i had out from the start, and every time they drew a card, i forced them to discard it and lose up to 8 life. SO i was capable of dealing up to 16 damage a turn just from their draw step. The disperses were very useful: i return something and force a discard dealing more damage! I won by turn 6, and guaranteed win by turn 8 due to milling.
you only have 4 green cards, why do you have 12 forests? Go with around 5ish, and take out 2-4 lands anyway: your ornithopter and memnites are free, and everything (besides the angel) is low cost. If you made this a wedge deck, adding in red, there are many options for land destruction. Btw, you need some draw cards (i suggest Mulldrifter for its dual uses)
Turn 1 Win: Sadly, it requires splash white. Must have: A plains, Path to exile, 4 archive trap in hand, you have 1 free mulligan. Go First. Play a land, pass the turn. Opponent plays a land, and plays a 1 drop creature. You tap 1 mana and path to exile it. They search their library from the land etc. and you use 4 archive trap to mill 52 cards. You win. 60 card deck - 7 (hand) - 1 (turn 2 draw) (60 - 7 = 53, 53 - 1 = 52) then you do your combo (mill 52 cards), they have to end their turn. you take your turn and do whatever, their turn and they lose. I would personally add in Reliquary Tower instead of Venser's journal... Haunting Echoes instead of Traumatize, and run 4x memory erosion and 4x erasure. I would take out perplex. try Glimpse the Unthinkable.
Dude, Add Scroll Thief if you want some draw and offense
dude... semblance anvil and perilous myr. anvil to speed up those high costing battlespheres, and perilous myr to add some... suicide bombing to the deck. True conviction is good and all, but its not really needed. once the battlesphere are out (i would say turn 5 at the MOST, probs turn 3-4 out) you basically win in 1-2 turns. Lol pointless combo: Myr Galvanizer + Silver Myr + Splinter Twin...
dude, try some of the new proliferate cards to help accelerate it. Contagion Clasp is a nice one as it slows 1 creature down and can proliferate. Thrummingbird or Inexorable Tide are also must haves
try Contagion Clasp and/or Contagion Engine. those are really good. another way is to run makeshift-defense that you can just kill off as soon as carnifex hits the field.
hmm... (trying to think of either an infinate mill combo, infinate draw combo, or infinate damage combo...) Got one :p morselhoarder + sinking feeling + your choice of ocular halo (infinite draw, then if coupled with Jace's Erasure is infinite mill...) or virdian longbow (infinate damage) i wouldnt add this into the deck ,but SB it... im just trying to think of a way to add in as many intertwining combos as i can without ruining your current deck.. .so far im only thinking of combos that alter it ALOT
something else to maximize it is to draw, and have Walking Atlas on the field to plop down multiple lands a turn and accelerate millage.
no trapmaker's Snare :o :o :o anywho, dont bother with the bomb as it deviates from the point of this deck. I would however throw in a regular jace for its "each player draws a card" ability, and add fire servant or the red ascension card. Howling Mine is also a nice add. though it isnt as flexible as a Bell, the mine does cost 1 mana less which is quite a difference. prophetic prism isnt really needed as a 4x. maybe run 2 if you really want some mana fixing but you play 2 colours with 1 doubling the other. you dont need 4x prisms. Why do you have the chalice's too? Mana Myr would act as a better mana accelerator than those since the chalice's only produce coloured mana and they are only worthwhile in mid to late game or if you play proliferate. Also, since you only need lightning bolt to act as creature control (you only have 2 so i wouldnt consider it a very useful player burn), i would swap it for Flame Slash or even just more Into the Roils.
i wouldnt run 4x traumatixe. its only good for the first 2, and even after the first one it kinda sucks.. run 2 instead of 4. i would also run 4x erasures to maximiza mill per card. memory erosion is also a nice addition, with 4 on the field thats 8 cards per spell they play, and 4 cards per card you draw. Definately run forced fruition. this is a late game total mill. if you splash red, you can make a Runeflare Trap combo. A definate addin would be some mana myr for acceleration, and run black. there are plenty of black/blue mill cards. Maybe add keening stone or Grind Clock?
personally, i would run 4 hedron crabs, no merfolk looters, swap out cancel and deprive for essence scatter and negate, add 2 traumatize, take out the archive trap, plop in Pnder instead of preordain, use mindsculptor instead of regular jace (cause of its 0 ability with the erasure) and add in memory erosion. run 2 more lands as well... or something that will accelerate mana like an Explorer's Scope?
21-40 of 135 items