Good, but i think it's too old. And dw bout it, its fine. I appreciate the suggestions.
Ooh yes, difinitely.
Trying to keep this standard, so leatherback baloth is out, would be nice though. I considered beast within. I reckon i might put it in. Might even come in handy for 'upgrading' my weaker creatures.
Ooh thanks for the help.
Also, taste of blood is in there for bloodthirst, plus this deck is intended for multiplayer more than single player, so i would think there is a fairly good chance of the bloodthirst effect coming through.
Good enough point. I considered bloodrage vampire, but I wasn't too sure. I like vampire outcasts because it has lifelink and can be a 4/4, which i thought was good enough for 4 mana. I will try it out against my mate using lackey ccg before i buy it though.
Door of destinies? It's kind of like coat of arms, but works more in your favour.
I love you people.
But once i have stupid amounts of mana, i can use eye of ugin to search my library for pretty much any eldrazzi card and play it in the same turn. I once even had enough to search for spawnsire of ulamog, play it, then play several other cards using his ability. Basically, i don't care if i have excess mana, because i have pretty much won the game by that point.
Add some energy chambers for the lux cannon.
With that much proliferate and the fact that it's indestructible, it could work. Interesting basis for a deck.
Shattered angel perhaps. Pride guardian is good for gaining life. You might want timely reinforcements for when things start to go bad too. Oh and angelic destiny.
Doubling cube, search for tomorrow, any cards that let you put additional lands down. See:
You might also want some cheap creatures so that you have something to enchant.
try dowsing shaman, and gatherer of graces, and thran golem A good combination of auras is beastmaster's magemark, and lure.
Fire servant? I run fire servant, and it's safe to say the thing is ridiculous. Arc trail is also handy for destroying multiple creatures.
If you are going to be using bloodthirst, consider taste of blood. You may also want to add diabolic tutor as it lets you get exactly what you need for whatever situation you are in. Here's my own vampire deck. - here's a mill deck which has a fair bit of control. Too much variety in my opinion. I would suggest more counters. Also, you could try adding white to the deck and going with cards like gideon's law keeper, arrest, temporal isolation, cage of hands, pacifism, etc.
elixir of immortality perhaps? Also, blue sun's zenith.
Wow. Pretty impressive multicolour deck.
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