I don't know what the site says, but I do know it runs behind on updating what's Standard-legal post-rotation sometimes. Everything from BFZ on is currently legal in Standard, but that's it. As for artifact hate, no doubt there will be plenty of it, but not w/ the degree of reach found in Modern...there's nothing in Standard that lets a player destroy all artifacts.
Oversight Alert: You have 6 Shambling Vents in here. Considering you're running almost 100% artifacts, I suggest replacing some w/ Inventors' Fair, which s/b in this joint regardless. :)
You should change the Standard deck tag to Modern, as Origins was never in rotation w/ Kaladesh...either that, or change-out your Origins cards. Most vehicles are budget, & they would reduce your casting cost for Metalwork Colossus, so maybe that's a direction you could go. Rogue's Passage could be replaced w/ some combination of more Inventors' Fair & Westvale Abbey (the price on the latter has dropped & is still dropping). Artifact hate doesn't have the reach in Standard that it has in Modern, so if it were me, that's the direction I would go. Other than that, I think your deck is clever, it has my +1. :)
A vehicle isn't a creature unless it's crewed...other than that, it's a non-creature artifact, incapable of acting as a pilot. However, Start Your Engines turns all vehicles into creatures (w/o having to crew them to do so) 'til EOT, providing another option to attack if long on vehicles but short on pilots.
No Crucible of Fire?
Not necessarily. Jesus may take the wheel if the Rapture hits during a race. Or, Jesus may be exhorting one of the dwarves to take the wheel, in which case the title may be punctuated improperly. Or, Jesus may have simply written the country song by the same name...which would make Jesus something of an egotist, I guess. The real question is, do we know, conclusively, whether Jesus was ever on Kaladesh? :)
It's a theme deck, so...but what I want to know is how it can be legal in Vintage w/ 50 Breeding Pools. O.O (...& the Vintage players say, "That's just how we roll.") :)
That little sucker's going to be everywhere. All I can say is, if you want 'em, get 'em now, if you already haven't...the price has gone up 80% where I live, just in the last week.
Thanks, that's good know. :)
Maybe replace Prized Amalgam w/ something you can cast early that can either deal 3 damage or produce tokens, while putting at least 1 card in your GY? Heir of Falkenrath transforms for 1 discard into a 3/2 w/ flying; Cryptbreaker can be cast turn 1 & produces 2/2 tokens for tap & discard. These are just a couple options I came up w/ based on a quick search, so there may well be better. BTW, I really like the deck, especially your inclusion of Nahiri's Wrath, which seems made for this.
Depala, Pilot Exemplar.
It splices! It dices! It makes HUNDREDS of JULIENNE FRIES!! Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D I truly am a fan of the splice mechanic, though. Gets +1 from me. :)
Nice! I don't think Crypt Ghast is legal in your deck, though, due to the hybrid W/B mana symbol in it's extort ability.
Muddle the Mixture & Perplex would be more versatile, as they also let you tutor (which is what I usually use them for). Cards at 4 & 5 CMC w/ transmute would be good in this deck, as well.
Thanks for your service, & this looks great. :)
There are a ton of reanimation effects in W; most are sorceries, but Miraculous Recovery is an instant. Of the sorceries, I believe Resurrection has the lowest CMC. There's also enchantments (Marshal's Anthem) & creatures, but w/ Archeomancer, seems like instants or sorceries is the way you'd rather go. Nice deck, it does look like fun...always did like splice. :)
I think you could get a lot more mileage out of a BW build rather than a mono-B build, as it would let you maximize reanimation effects, support, etc. Two demons I like a lot are the new Demon of Dark Schemes & slightly-less-new Mindwrack Demon. With the latter, you should be able to get delirium pretty quickly. Westvale Abbey would work great in concert w/ the Apostles approach; effects that trigger when you sac a creature would be nice w/ that. Quicksilver Amulet is another way to cheat creatures out, & even 1 use of it could be game changing. Overall, I personally would run a core of powerful Demons that do what I want them to do, while building the rest of the deck in such a way as to keep me alive 'til they hit the BF. Good luck w/ whatever you ultimately decide to run with. :)
Another option for tutoring enchantments is Sterling Grove; it gives your other enchantments shroud, & can be sacked to tutor one. Unless you intend to keep this deck intact permanently, though, Enlightened Tutor is probably a better option. I used Sterling Grove to good effect in an enchantment-heavy deck I ran a couple years back, but I was also running Sun Titan, which let me sac the same Grove repeatedly & tutor enchantments a-l-l day long. :)
Just seeing "Millennial Gargoyle" followed by "Old Man of the Sea" set me laughing so hard, my eyes watered...then looking at "Old Man" & replacing the two creatures pictured w/ Bernie & Hillary set me off again. :D Of the political decks I've seen so far, I think this one is my favorite. FEEL THE BERN!!!
On Gatherer...I use that site a lot. I see you found her on here, though. BTW, I just noticed that your choice of island is reminiscent of the White Cliffs of Dover...nice touch. :)
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