I just came up with thi slast night too, haven't played it yet
I would consider adding more dual lands, like hinterland harbor, or watery grave, or breeding pool. But base it on what mana occurs the most. Black and white occur a lot so I would add 3 godless shrines, 2 watery graves, another drowned catacomb, 2 hallowed fountains, 2 hinterland harbors, and 2 breeding pools
Grand Arbiter Augustin, geist of saint traft, steel of godhead, swords to plowshares or path to exile
A couple army of the damned, unbreathing horde, and ghoulcaller's bell. You will have two things that are 8 mana. and a good chunk of 4 mana things. 24 lands is a staple amount
Also add cloud post
Ich kann sehr klein Deutsch sprechen, ich wurde mehr Rancor haben. Das tut mir leid mein Deutsch ist nicht gut und ich bin mude (in Amerika wir haben keinen Umlaut an unser Keyboard)
There's only 2 of her and she's 4 mana, you're going to have a difficult time
Swords to plowshare, holy day, brave the elements, orim's chat or silence. Honor the pure might be good but I'm not sure
Hard to satisfy blue and red players. Mana leak is too OP yet syncopate isn't good enough. Pillar of flame isn't good enough neither is searing spear yet lightning bolt was too op :/
More mana...?
Lightning bolt was too OP shock will be good again. Or a 2 mana 3 damage instant that does something else and damage
Oh my bad, I misread Skullcrack
Yeah I agree, I just got too caught up in adding cards I wanted. Thanks for getting senses to me
Oh Scars of Mirrodin block, you will be missed :/
I'd also add odric
Skullcrack is strictly better than searing spear
mind sculpt?
Leyline of sanctity seems to fit the deck title
Sigh, good night sweet prince :/ better have dual lands or I swear...
Also if you're gonna not go for standard and just casual add browbeat.
241-260 of 334 items