arachnogenesis isnt modern legal tho
why use slinging bell stirke whwn you coold use the sword of paruns or staff of dominion umbral mantle!LOL! imo is okdek but colde be worsert- may god bless ur'e souls
gotta aggree- may god bless ur'e souls
sorry, im use my cards for charity, also my parets burn my collection since apparentyl magic the gathero is "literally same as praising satan on a daily basis", so now im poor and homeless. but no worri, i got a job at mcdonalds recently, so im starting to make money, also since im doing work "in the dark" i still get welfare, dont tell authoriti pls- may god bless ur'e souls
thisd deck very good, i might get this deck, since im poor welfare i must probabvly play without sleeves which probably tiggers feminzais, gg fuck life- may god bless ur'e souls
32 land even withg mana rocks is not good enougyt en my iopinion, u cast sigarda, get killed by board wipe, get cost 20- may god bless ur'e souls
i think pyrmoancer anscension is verry good this deck, and also i recommend grapeshot, since u have the ritual effects so u do much damage with that!!!- may god bless ur'e souls
i thinnk karlow vey, good, i mean im man with beard i like orzhov, my pet deck edh is teysa, enovoy of ghosytts, i run black sun zenith promo and elesh norn with a heavy extort theme, but im poor man so i dont have sleeves. - may god bless ur'e souls
nice deck mi freunds, i thinks this gfood i remove wase since waste is shit oput ghost quarete intesd since make colorsles, and wastes shit only use for kolzek- may god bless ur'e souls
Nicce decke mi amigosa, i think swrods to plowshares is very good in stregety!!!! kill a nigger and enemy lose life, sog ood! also i think i reocmmend the ""tutor cards, since you rely in tainted remedy muchket!- may god bless ur'e souls
very interesting idea man, since not many run land destruiction- may god bless ur'e souls
i see what u are trying to do here, but i would personally run liliana of the veil over liliana of the dark realms- may god bless ur'e souls
thanks man, i try my best- may god bless ur'e souls
gothy please, i have never talked shit about exarch, pls did u even read my earlier comments?- may god bless ur'e souls
...tarmo twin is just normal splintertwin deck with green splashed into it for tarmo, which gets you board presence early.- may god bless ur'e souls
i never said they dont use deceiver exarch, i said they use both, kek- may god bless ur'e souls
a burn deck is a deck that tries to win with burn cards doing face damage, but there was a combo shoved in it, which took 8 cards and could have been more burn making the deck rather unoptimized. those 8 cards could have done 24 damage, but now did absolutely nothing, since you couldnt even cast the combo that easily with 19 lands, and you needed both of them to win. that is what the other people were trying to say, that the deck was nowhere near optimal. you then compared burn used as removal in splintertwin deck to burn used as face damage in that deck, which wasn't really related to the discussion of criticizing the deck for being unoptimized. that is the reason why they shot you down, although im not trying to defend them.- may god bless ur'e souls
now THIS is what a splinter twin deck should look like, control the board and then combo for the win. I personally prefer spell snare, but that is often more of a sideboard material, which is more dependent on your local meta.- may god bless ur'e souls
...probably because your points weren't exactly correct?- may god bless ur'e souls
... roast and flame slash can only be used on creatures, and electrolyze is used because it removes threat and draws a card, pls lad, and bolt is used as removal because it rapes every early drop in modern, not as face damage- may god bles ur'e souls
21-40 of 207 items