very nice, but i presonnally preffer alpha sereis lighterning bolt, since alpha is the only word that can describe me.- may god bless ur'e souls
this deck is very good in my opinion, but is 2 color why no dual lands, if u get 2 swamps this deck is crippled cuz half ur deck u cant play, bloodstoined mire is good buget option, but personally i prefer badlands.- may god bless ur'e souls
thanks you for nice worsd, 1v9 bg gota garri team- may god bless ur'e souls
i hoppe north hass nice winter hollyday chirstmast, all atheist kids say religion is bad but we resaon why christmost is holyday, gg- may god bless ur'e souls
hop u habe nice winter holyday, u 13 year atheist better be grateful for gristmast holyyday- may god bless ur'e souls
much good, althought i tinker that this nott soo legit stratteegy, imo oly leggot landless strategi is landloss dredge- may god bless ur'e souls
nic dek, op mode with no playset limit,- may god bless ur'e souls
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