Mephidross Vampire
I don't wanna bash on this deck, but there isn't nearly enough mana ramp in there to get out your eldrazi without waiting until late game (by which time time you'll probably have already won or lost). My advice is to focus less on random green creatures and focus solely on mana ramp creatures. Llanowar elves and arbor elf are musts for this deck. Quicksilver amulet or elvish piper are good for getting a turn 4 or 5 eldrazi. And you might also want to add Not of This World so that your eldrazi don't just get a face full of Doom Blade or some other kind of removal spell (or enchantment) as soon as they hit the field.Urza's Tower, Urza's Mine and Urza's Power Plant are 3 land cards that tap for tons of mana when all 3 are out, but they might ruin the whole modern thing (same goes for elvish piper).
You should add Gelatinous Genesis. Two X's in the mana cost (plus one green) but it's good for spawning a shitload of 1/1 tokens, provided you have the mana.
Flame slash would make a good addition. 1 red mana for 4 damage to target creature. Only downside to it is that it's a sorcery.
Maybe butcher ghoul?
Terrible as in how? Some of the decks I've seen have been very strong, playable decks. But if you mean terrible as in unimaginative and countless reiterations of the same deck with very minor differences, then I'll have to agree, though I'm sure I'm part of that problem as well as many others.
What is power 9?
Karn Liberated should be tin man!!! Although that would add to the cost... by a lot...
No problem :) But eldrazi are crazy strong even without their trigger abilities so you can keep quicksilver amulet if you want
Just so you know, if you use quicksilver amulet to get an eldrazi out, their abilities wouldn't trigger since you technically didn't cast them
Yes this deck is awesome lol
sorry lol.. it's cause I asked if you can really do that.. but then up there ^^ someone posted about the rulings... so I felt silly
... womp womp
Personally, I'd ditch reckless waif and huntmaster of the fells. Reckless waif because although he is fairly good, being a potential 3/2 for only one mana, he doesn't have any abilities at all that can benefit you or the "horde". Huntmaster because although it is a great card, no doubt, his usefulness really comes from transforming a lot, as he doesn't have any static abilities, and seeing how the real goal of this deck is to transform into werewolves and stay as werewolves (hence the immerwolf), he's really just wasted space. I mean, you could always just take out immerwolf if you wanted, but I don't think it's worth crippling an entire deck just to make one card more useful. Besides, he's damn expensive so save yourself some money lol
Ugg I hate turn one combos... like at least give me a chance to play the game lol
What's your win-loss record?? I'd imagine like 9462931469134851-0
Just scary... once the combo gets rolling it's almost impossible to stop. Especially if your opponent tapped out on their last turn. Have you play tested this deck?? I'm curious how fast you get this combo out
Truly evil
Yeah true. And as long as some of the cards not listed make honorable mention, it's all good lol
Surprised that there aren't more blue draw cards. I'd be going crazy with stuff like sphinx's revelation/mill cards.. anything to cycle as fast as possible.
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