Looks fun! I have a deck similar that is my favorite to play right now with Lucea at the helm. All Will Be One is a fun card to potentially swap with something if you are still deciding on cards to include.
I think with Eldraine still in rotation we aren't going to see big shifts in the meta. It's just way too good of a set. I'll be interested in what DnD brings but Eldraine is the wall here I think. Once Eldraine is gone, I think the flood gates will be opened and we will see a lot of cool new decks in the meta. Clever Lumimamcer is already a stupid good card. I've got a fun UW magcraft deck and am looking forward to the day Eldraine is gone.
I'd keep the four shark typhoons. I have this exact deck on Arena. They are good for draw and getting a blocker out there. I only play the enchantment if the game is going long.
Jodah counts as a full RUGBW because of his ability.
I like it! If you want to swap out the resurrection cards, there are cheaper costing ones. (Mana wise) Exhume, Animate Dead, Reanimate, and Shallow Grave. All 1-2 mana. And Shallow Grave gives haste. You can also sub in vampiric or demonic tutor in place of diabolic, but the price will go way up. Dark Ritual would also help with reducing the turns needed to win.
Agreed. Prioritize the creatures you want/need and cut the rest. Add something like thoughtseize or unmask to give you a better chance against decks with any sort of removal or counter cards. If you want more inspiration from another Reanimator deck, feel free to check mine out. https://www.mtgvault.com/towel7484/decks/necrotoxins-2/
I don't think this site has updated it, but Gitaxian Probe is banned in Legacy. :/ If you want similar cards to Probe, then either Peek or Street Wraith. If you want more colorless mana like Simian Spirit Guide, you can run Elvish Spirit Guide. Or better yet, Lotus Petal.
Elbrus in my opinion is a great artifact for Yuriko decks. Easy seven damage if revealed by Yuriko. And even easier to transform. You have enough removal to keep the Demon alive and in play, as well.
Coat of arms would be nice!
This is sweet! How well does it play? Do you find Hive Mind easily?
might be a good idea to swap footsteps with goryo's vengeance. one mana less and gives haste. only downside is that you can't keep bouncing a creature like ashen rider, cause it's exiled. If you do add goryo's vengeance however, you can also play emrakul!
Force of Will is a must. Unless you don't want another $100 tacked on to the price. I also like Show and Tell. Saves mana to play Omniscience so you can counter anything that would target it that turn.
I think it depends on what you want out of the deck. A variety of creatures is not as risky but its also not as fast. Where as just two creatures is the opposite. When I play legacy, I just want to end the game before a lot of gravehate/exiles/bounces come my way.
It is very good lol. Mine wins turn 2 pretty consistently. Can sometimes get the turn one. But yeah, Legacy is expensive. https://www.mtgvault.com/towel7484/decks/necrotoxins-2/
No Omniscience??
I love re-animator decks so of course this caught my eye. I don't play modern however, but I will try to offer what I can. With only 8 cards to pull creatures from the grave It could get risky especially in the early game when you are most vulnerable. So lets point out the weaknesses for your early game. The only blockers are your ramp and Olivia. Ramp is more important in my opinion and if you start getting overwhelmed by a creature heavy deck, pulling one creature from the grave wont be enough by the time you are able to do so. Sadly, Ulamogs and Emrakuls "cast" abilities wont come into play either, (since you aren't casting them) but I am sure you knew that. You are able to discard and draw the things you need rapidly and that is this decks strong point. So, my suggestion would be to increase Cathartic Reunion and consolidate the creatures you will pull from the grave so you have room for more throw away creatures. But again, I don't play modern resurrect but I like what you have going so far.
Master of the Feast. 5/5 three mana, flying, and causes your opponents to keep drawing cards so you can do more damage with Liliana's caress and such.
oh...lol. ok
Karrvek's Spite wont work cause it will make you sac Barren Glory. However, you can add Flicker to fix that problem. (at least i think it will. :D)....weeeelll maybe not cause its not an instant :(
I know its not really legal, but Memory Jar would be pretty good.
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