ohhh alright
exhume, shallow grave, animate dead. those are the best ones in my opinion entomb goes well with them also
there area so many other way cheaper cards (mana wise) that do the same job of reanimating. and if that is your main purpose then you have too many creatures and not enough reanimation cards. your early game is slow unless you get lucky and you do not have enough cards to control your opponents hand. typically with reanimation you only need like 4 creatures, a control creature and killing one. sorry if i came across as stern haha i'm just big into these types of decks.
I really love the reanimation idea of the deck mainly because that is what i have been making mine around a lot. however, I feel like it has too much stuff going on. typically with reanimation decks you have one way you win every time, one strategy. I think you should narrow it done on how you should be winning. For example, do you want to win with iona or the eldrai or platinum angel? In my opinion get rid of platinum angel because what if someone takes it over??? total backfire. in a reanimation deck you defiantly want a control factor and a killing factor which you have, all you really need to do is narrow it down to what you need and make it so that it can be put out onto the field quickly too. Again i like the deck a lot heres mine that i currently use if you want to check it out... http://www.mtgvault.com/towel7484/decks/necrotoxins/
maybe some resurection cards and cards that untap your creatures.
so, it would be good in it
I like the concept, You should add Mirror-Mad Phantasm!
add voltaic key
Nice, well put together deck. Could you check out my deck as well. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=354272
you will be killed before you could get anything good out. So add some small creatures too.
this deck killed me last Friday...
the only problem is that most of your creatures are very expensive, i'd try taking some out and putting smaller creatures in.
This is awesome, you should add Elbrus, the binding blade
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