Nice idea, and I like it, just cant depend on it though. I generally only use 1 scounting trek all game to pull out my lands then use Elvish piper or maelstrom archangel to pull out the rest of my killer cards. I think the idea you have is good though, just not right for this deck.......might use it in another though :)
Thanks for the idea, I am trying to keep all of the land finding to green if possible as to not upset the land balance early in the game. Landtax is an awesome card however the scouting trek and harrows seem to find my lands pretty well at the moment. food for thought though so thank you. Thanks again for looking at the deck
Thanks for the comment, the decks seems to get up and running fairly quickly considering. I will think about what you have commented though, my other option is Dragon Arch I think. Thanks for taking the time to look at my deck :)
I think you need to get this deck down to 60 cards mate personally and use mutiples of cards to help you draw the kill cards that you need. Maybe think of cutting back on some of the idea's you have to focus on the stronger aspects of your deck. Pick a direction in which you want to take the deck and go for it. Im willing to help if I can mate. I will return the favour also and give your deck a like :)
Will do that now thanks :)
Thanks for taking the time to look at my deck. I have prismatic omens in my shopping cart for my next round of purchases. Im going to take the 3 lay of the lands out I think as they offer little help in bringing the lands I need, the scouting treks and harrows seem to be a lot more effective. Also looking to add a couple of collective restraints to the deck to help hold off opponents, the effectiveness of that card should be very nice in conjunction with the prosmatic omen. I agree that the piper gets shot easily, he is mainly in there at the moment to help me get creatures out in the event that i cant get my 5 basic lands out fast enough (which doesnt happen to often) i may look at taking him out when I have the prismatic omens in there :) Thanks again for the comment
This is a nice deck mate and after playing against it I would say you are 95% of the way to completing it. Just needs to be played through and learned now bud. This deck moves well now the cards u needed are in it mate so good work. I look forward to you completing this deck so we can start work on another together. Any advise u need please let me know. 9/10 for this one bud
Hedron crabs are the way forward here matey. Can play them first turn and if u use terramophic expanse and other similar lands u can hit ur opponent for it's landfall ability twice in a turn. Nice start though mate and after playing against this deck I would say you are already a strong 8/10. Nice work
Nice start mate. Needs some work though. You need a few more creatures in there. Look at ertai wizard adept. He is a creature with the ability to counter spells so u have a constant counterspell in play. Also look at the artifact isochron sceptre. U can imprint a counterspell on it to have another content counterspell in play. Good start though bud
I built this deck back in college and you know it. I come up with all the idea's :)
how about dropping the lay of the lands for 3 Elvish Pipers? They are more useful than the lay of the lands and I can always get 4 land of any colour out to play the piper where as the lay of the land would only find me one land which is useless if I am struggling for the others. what do you think about that trade off?
Have you thought of playing a couple of Patriarch's Bidding's? You could pull your dragon cards to your graveyard with Scion of the Ur and then bring them all into play with Patriarch's Bidding? I like your deck very much, I have a 5 colour deck myself using a couple of Scion of the Ur's and 4 x Maelstrom Archangles. Please take a look if you get a chance I would appreciate your feedback :)
I want to work some Myr Battlesphere's into the deck if possible but struggling with cards to take out. Toying with the idea of dropping the Myrsmiths for the battlespheres but trying to think of my manacurve. The other option is to drop the lightning bolts for the battlespheres but then I have nothing in my deck to shoot creatures with. Once again any suggestions would be great.
I have another deck idea for the mycosynth golems, will run that buy you soon mate. Will look at this deck again but its not a priority for me at the moment, I like to use it against a couple of my friends as its not the most threatening deck I have so it gives them a chance to get their decks up and running and get a win maybe, before I crush them with some of my better decks lol
Hi mate, I have added 3 x Inquisition of Kozilek instead of the Questof the Nihil Stone's. I will take out a couple of the rack and possibly the rats also but what else do you recommend adding in there? I dont really want to add any blue if I can help it, would rather keep it as mono black
I have changed the paraihs and the shields. I agree they are quicker and I have enough ways of finding the shields if I need them. Will look at your other suggestion for this deck asap. This is the deck I am most looking forward to building :)
What would u drop for the contagion clasps? I wanted to get 1 or 2 more viridian longbows in there too so I can shoot poison and infect counters around. Any suggestions?
Thanks matey. Will make the changes. I agree 100% with u!
I agree mate. Will make the changes soon. I want to focus on my other decks more than this one at the moment but this deck does deserve an overhaul as it's a nice deck when up and running. Thanks for the feedback buddy :)
I will make some of the changes mate. I looked at progentius before as it's an awesome creature but was unsure about playing him. Will run a couple in the near future. Was also thinking of dropping the lay of the land for better land finders. They are quick to cast but only fetch me one colour at a time. What do u think?
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