Thanks for the comment bud. Glad to see u back online. Nice to know u like how the deck is coming on. Couple more changes and I think it will be even better :)
Cheers for the comment mate. I used to run 3 pipers in here but to be honest when drawing sample hands I seem to be able to tap for above 10 mana by turn 4/5 most times so I took them out as I didn't have anything to protect them while they were vulnerable. I may try them in again though when I have actually built the deck. Thanks for looking mate I will always check out what you think bud
lol you're not funny u know :)
Good shout buddy. Might try and get my hands on a couple and play test them. I'm still chopping and changing this deck at the moment anyway as I only just built it. Thanks for lookin matey
Nice deck buddy. Hard work playing againt this one. Well built matey
Haha nice combo. Good idea buddy
Nice card. Will consider it. Bit costly though if nothing gets countered. Thanks for the comment
Yeah I remember u buddy. Will check out your decks asap. See u for a game maybe sometime
Already looked at dragon arch. Nice card but I decided on the Elvish piper instead. As for prismatic omen I will be dropping 3 or 4 in the deck asap. Thanks for the comment :)
Nice idea thanks. I may think about that for other decks i have in mind. Although it would be advantageous for this deck I don't think I can find anything to drop for the elixirs and I don't have anything to fetch the card when I need it. Good thinking though and I appreciate the comment
Not a bad idea mate however the elvish pipers and maelstrom archangel help me get most of my big nasty stuff out. Thanks for the comment though bud
I will definatly think about it. The harrows and scouting treks work pretty well though. I may play test some in the near future though. Thanks
Nice card and I do like it but by the time I have the mana out for it I would have normally won the game. I used to play coalition victory which was similar but easier to play
Prismatic omen will be in this deck in the near future. Going to lose the lay of the lands to put 3 in the deck. As for the bringers I have looked at them before and decided against them as the main theme is a permanent of each colour to work with samite elder and coalition victory but now I have taken the coalitions out of the deck I will give the bringers another look for sure. Thank you for the comment matey
I'm trying to keep my land finders to green only as my land balance works well for me at the moment and I feel adding more white would change that. I have lots of green land in there so I am pretty much guaranteed to draw green along with a green land finder. I just think it's a little risky to be mixing the land finder colours that's all. Food for thought though thank you :)
Yes I have considered domain. Collective restraint is a card that I want to work into the deck. Looking at getting a couple in there. Not really looked at the other cards though. Will give them a look and try them out :) Thanks for the comment
Thanks matey. Much appreciated. Will catch up with you soon :)
Thanks for your comment. I like the ideas you have there and your card knowledge is obviously vast. I am pretty happy with the land finders that I have at the moment though. Your idea of the Joiner Adept though is a nice idea although I prefer prismatic omen as it makes each land every basic land type (which helps cast draco and will help with collective restraint if i play it) and being each basic land type I can also tap for any mana I need. I appreciate the comment though, any other feedback you have will be gratefully receieved. Thank you
Prismatic omen will go in this deck I am sure, I already have it on order to go in, treasure hunt i dont think is right for this deck and last stand i will have to think about. Please look at Collective Restraint and let me know what you think. I think it would be a decent card to hold off attackers in single and multiplayer games. Any other ideas are very much welcomed :)
Will take a look as soon as I can
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