none of your damn business
Put them in a big bile and burn them
How/why/what makes this infect?
This is very interesting. I'm working out my own Meren deck. Why only 20 lands / how confident are you of your mana ramp?
Even tho yours is standard only, check this out for some ideas
why Painter's Servant?
i have no idea lol, it's supposed to be "I'd"
I'd drop the Necromaster Dragon for more of almost anything that's in here now
you can probably roll with 3
uhh, Nykthos?
Civic Saber seems like a better option if you were to go that route
hey man, a budget is a budget. the man has conviction
nice, the Farseek and Transguild Courier seem like a must-must-must as well
TRANSGUILD COURIER, Child of Alara, Chromanticore, Conflux, Cromat, and Last Stand just because it's funAlso, Kodama's Reach, Explosive Vegetation, FARSEEK, Lay of the Land and all the Return to Ravnica shock lands (but if you're trying to stay cheap then not that)
Also Mana Confluence and Whip of Erebos
I can understand everything else, definitely go with Draconic Roar tho. It's both of Lightning Strike's abilities at the same time. I used to play mono black devotion back when ravnica block was standard and I tried using Master of the Feast, it never really was worth it after a turn or 2. However, if you could give it haste with Dragon Tempest it seems pretty sick. Generator Servant would do you well on turn 2, and it would allow you to be more comfortable with a full playset of Stormbreath DragonsIf you're worried about the mana curve Jund Dragons seems to be an up and coming thing in my meta. You can ramp with Sylvan Caryatid, Elvish Mystic, Shaman of Forgotten Ways and Voyaging Satyr. It would also open you up to other bonkers dragons like the Atarka's and Savage Ventmaw
wouldn't you rather a burn spell (Stoke the Flames/Lightning Strike) over Bloodsoaked Champion?Also, I might look into the other Kolaghan and Swift Warkite, as well as Dragon Whisperer. Definitely Draconic Roar tho
you are...quite hero.BUT WHERE ARE THE Book Burning(s)?!
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