Mirran Crusader?
Maybe sneak attack? definitely run 4 show and tells though
Fair enough... maybe run Septic Rats?
the only hydra that effects other hydras is Kalonian hydra, right? unless if i'm missing something... i agree with itches, and what does the relic of progenitus do for you?
... lol possibly one of the best blue cards XD
Verdant Catacombs?
i asked the same question swarmer... it's just up a little bit... I'm sorry Ginch that you have to answer questions multiple times......
Oh ok, yeah that makes sense, thanks!
Well yeah in multiplayer exanguinate is better the more people are playing
One last question... i'm kind of new to magic, but how are you getting stuff to your graveyard, you run the deathrite, the lavamancer and the ooze but only natural order puts creatures in the graveyard. i wont even question the goyf though lol
perhaps run Plague Myr or Plague Stinger instead of Blight Mamba
I s'pose so... have you had any issues with Vendilion Clique or the Nemesis?
SO MUCH COLORS!!! Seems fun though, and i dont know why'd you run Noble Hirerarch over Birds of Paradisenearly $4,000... :0...
Why do you run Exsanguinate? Maybe if you ran more ramp it would be quicker. especially Exsanguinate, it's very slow, kind of like Corrupt. then again, theres not that much out there for black ramp, so i feel for you. +1 like for the great idea, and if you only have 2 posts, may the decks keep coming!Tmocarroll
Really original deck idea. i love the idea and i think you have enough of the artifact turning cards to make it good. However, i don't know if Splinter works like that i think you should be running the Smelt and the Ancient Grudge mainboard because if you are destroying their lands, then you'll be set as far as winning the game, but you'll mainly be killing them with creatures. Once again, i don't know if Splinter works like that, but i could be wrong. Ultimately, it's up to you. I really like it and +1 like for the idea.Tmocarroll
yeah i used the sample hand thing, which i dont know if it is reliable, but it kinda sucked lol, but yeah i was just thinking about it, because you can still win without using the infect at all.
Even if it did work... turn 5 win in legacy can be pretty slow...
thanks! i always have tons of fun with this deck. I'm not entirely familiar with the newer cards, because I'm busy with school and/or my band, but i'll be sure to check it out.
To deal with the Doom Blades, he should probably run Spell Pierce or Turn Aside, but that's all i can think of.
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